
NFT unique image generator and metadata analyzer. Package and CLI enabled.

nftgen EXE

A ready-to-use command line EXE is available. Always do a security check when downloading executables.

The EXE uses a way faster drawing mechanism than just relying on Dart.

General NFT Procedure

  1. Generate project-file based on layers directory
  2. Manually: Adjust probabilities in project-file
  3. Generate NFT metadata files
  4. Analyse rarity distribution, backtrace to 2.
  5. Crunch layers images for faster NFT generation
  6. Generate NFT images
  7. Manually: Upload NFT images and get a CID
  8. Update all metadata files with CID
  9. Manually: Upload metadata files

Which translates to these commands:

  1. nftgen init ...
  2. ( ... )
  3. nftgen meta ...
  4. nftgen rarity ...
  5. nftgen crunch ...
  6. nftgen nft ...
  7. ( ... )
  8. nftgen cid ...
  9. ( ... )


dart pub global activate nftgen

nftgen init init -f ./project -l ./project/layers -n "Your NFT" -o
nftgen meta -f ./project    
nftgen rarity -f ./project
nftgen crunch -f ./project
nftgen nft -f ./project      
nftgen cid -f ./project -c yourCID  

Windows: Path warning

Paths are not allowed to have trailing, single backslash when giving the path in quotes.


nftgen.dart meta  -f ".\my project\"


nftgen.dart meta  -f ".\my project"
nftgen.dart meta  -f ".\\my project\\"


nftgen init creates project.json in a project directory of your choice. The command requires a layers directory. The project directory may be the parent directory of the layers directory.

Regarding all commands: The OPTIONAL parameter -f ./project/ specifies the project directory. If not given, the current directory will be used.

Probability and Weights

Below is the default configuration of ``nftgen initregarding layer probabilities-pand layer-file weights-w`.

nftgen -f ./project -n "Your NFT Name" -w 2.0 -p 0.5

-p defines between 0.0 and 1.0 the rare peak of the NFT collection as a percentage. How many layers are to be rare in general, regardless of the individual weights assigned to layer-files of a layer. The basic assumption is that the later layers are more rare. The parameter generates probability sequences for layers: 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0.

-w defines the rare weight distribution between individual layer-files of a layer. The basic assumption is, that the later layer-files are more common. The parameter generates probability sequences for layer-files: 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36. Its function is pow(item, factor).round().

In other words: -w determines the steepness of weights within a layer, -p determines the probability of the layers themselves.

It follows, that layer-file-weights and layer-probabilities multiply each other upon generation of NFTs.

Once generated, change the weights and probabilities in project.json to your liking.


Open project.json, re-order the layers, and adjust their weights to your liking:

// project.json

  "layerDir": "<Path to your layers>",
  "metaDir": "meta",
  "imageDir": "image",
  "rarityDir": "rarity",
  "rarityNftCsv": "rarity_nft.csv",
  "rarityNftPng": "rarity_nft.png",
  "rarityLayersCsv": "rarity_layers.csv",
  "rarityLayersPng": "rarity_layers.png",

  "name": "Your NFT",
  // How many NFTs to generate.
  // Defaults to 0.6 * all-combinations-equal-weights 
  // to avoid rendering slowing down when reaching
  // all-combinations-equal-weights number. 
  // `nftgen init` will cap this at 10.000 for your convenience,
  // as 10.000 NFTs is the max size for most collections. Change
  // it manually, if aiming for more NFTs.
  "generateNfts": 250, 
  // Run "nftgen cid -c yourNewCID" to update the metadata files.
  // Do NOT change manually:
  "cidCode": "<-- Your CID code -->", 
  // The order of layer entries matters.
  "layers": [ 
      // Shown in generated metadata JSON.
      "name": "Eyeball",  
      // Your local layer directory.
      "directory": "Eyeball",
      // Probability of layer to be used: 0.0...1.0 
      // Which eqals: 0...100% 
      "probability": 1.0, 
      // Probability of files to be used.
      // Here, sum of all weights is 17.
      "weights": {
        // Probability: 1 / 17
        "Red.png": 1, 
        // Probability: 16 / 17
        "White.png": 16 
    // ( ... more layers ...)


How to Use


try {
    final sep = Platform.pathSeparator;
    final String projectDir = 'project';
    final String layerDir = '$projectDir${sep}layer';
    final String name = "NFT Test name";

    await cli.init(projectDir, layerDir, name, true);
    await cli.meta(projectDir);
    await cli.rarity(projectDir);
    await cli.cid(projectDir, "NEW-CID");
    await cli.crunch(projectDir, overwrite: true);
    await cli.nft(projectDir);
} on NftCliException catch (e) {

Command Line

Activate and deactive the shell command:

dart pub global activate nftgen
dart pub global deactivate nftgen

Commands accept an OPTIONAL parameter specifying the project-directory. Otherwise, the current directory will be used.

Try nftgen.dart help and nftgen.dart help <COMMAND> for further information.

> dart pub global activate nftgen

> nftgen.dart help  
Generate NFTs

Usage: nftgen <command> [arguments]

Global options:
-h, --help    Print this usage information.

Available commands:
  cid      Updates CID of generated metadata
  crunch   Crunches layer PNGs
  demo     Generates 50 NFT images based on layers
  init     Initiates a new project
  meta     Generates NFT metadata
  nft      Generates NFT images based on metadata
  rarity   Generates rarity CSV reports

Run "nftgen help <command>" for more information about a command.

Development Notes


This call re-routes to the .\lib folder:

dart run .\bin\nftgen.dart nft -f .\project\ -s 5


Build EXE

The EXE will be placed on the .\bin folder:


Testing the PRE-EXE-BUILD

The parameters are to be specified using --dart-entrypoint-args:

flutter run .\tool\lib\exe.dart -d windows --dart-entrypoint-args nft,-f,.\project\,-s,5


General Discussion

Issue Tracker


The example layers are from Hashlips (MIT livense)
