map<VR, ER> method

Graph<VR, ER> map<VR, ER>({
  1. VR vertex(
    1. V vertex
  2. ER? edge(
    1. Edge<V, E> edge

Creates a new graph by mapping vertices and edges to new values.

The optional vertex function maps vertices of type V to type VE. The optional edge function maps edges of type E to type ER.


Graph<VR, ER> map<VR, ER>({
  VR Function(V vertex)? vertex,
  ER? Function(Edge<V, E> edge)? edge,
}) {
  final graph =
      isDirected ? Graph<VR, ER>.directed() : Graph<VR, ER>.undirected();
  final vertexMap = <V, VR>{};
  final vertexMapper = vertex ?? (vertex) => vertex as VR;
  for (final oldVertex in vertices) {
    final newVertex = vertexMapper(oldVertex);
    vertexMap[oldVertex] = newVertex;
  final edgeMapper = edge ?? (edge) => as ER;
  for (final oldVertex in vertices) {
    for (final oldEdge in outgoingEdgesOf(oldVertex)) {
        vertexMap[oldEdge.source] as VR,
        vertexMap[] as VR,
        data: edgeMapper(oldEdge),
  return graph;