Metadata Fetch

A dart library for extracting metadata in web pages. Supports OpenGraph, Meta, Twitter Cards, and Structured Data (Json-LD)

Available on Pub Dev: Pub

Metadata Structure

  - title
  - description
  - image
  - url


Extract Metadata for a given URL

import 'package:metadata_fetch/metadata_fetch.dart';

main() async {
  final myURL = '';

  // Use the `MetadataFetch.extract()` function to fetch data from the url
  var data = await MetadataFetch.extract(myURL); 

  print(data.title) // Flutter - Beautiful native apps in record time

  print(data.description) // Flutter is Google's UI toolkit for crafting beautiful...

  print(data.image) //

  print(data.url) //

  var dataAsMap = data.toMap();


Parsing Manually

Get aggregated Metadata from a document

This method prioritizes Open Graph data, followed by Twitter Card, JSON-LD and finally falls back to HTML metadata.

import 'package:metadata_fetch/metadata_fetch.dart';
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;

void main () async {

  final myURL = '';

  // makes a call
  var response = await http.get(myURL);

  // Covert Response to a Document. The utility function `MetadataFetch.responseToDocument` is provided or you can use own decoder/parser.
  var document = MetadataFetch.responseToDocument(response);

  // get aggregated metadata
  var data = MetadataParser.parse(document);


Manually specify which Metadata parser to use

import 'package:metadata_fetch/metadata_fetch.dart';
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;

void main () async {

  final myURL = '';

  // Makes a call
  var response = await http.get(myURL);

  // Covert Response to a Document. The utility function `responseToDocument` is provided or you can use own decoder/parser.
  var document = responseToDocument(response);

  // Get OpenGraph Metadata
  var ogData = MetadataParser.OpenGraph(document);

  // Get Html metadata
  var htmlData = MetadataParser.HtmlMeta(document);

  // Get Structured Data
  var structuredData = MetadataParser.JsonLdSchema(document);

  // Get Twitter Cards Data
  var  twitterCardData = MetadataParser.TwitterCard(document);


Provide a fallback url when manually parsing

If the parsers cannot extract a URL from the document, you may optionally provide a URL in MetadataFetch.parse().

This URL will be added in the final Metadata structure, and is used to resolve images with relative URLs (non-absolute URLs).

import 'package:metadata_fetch/metadata_fetch.dart';
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;

void main () async {

  final myURL = '';

  // makes a call
  var response = await http.get(myURL);

  // Covert Response to a Document. The utility function `MetadataFetch.responseToDocument` is provided or you can use own decoder/parser.
  var document = MetadataFetch.responseToDocument(response);

  // get aggregated metadata, supplying a fallback URL
  // Used for images with relative URLs
  var data = MetadataParser.parse(document, url:myURL);



This library is inspired by open_graph_parser. However this one tries to be more general.


  • Weighted or Preferred Metadata. Can assign custom weights for each parser to provide a fallback priority sytem
  • Improve Documentation

Questions, Bugs, and Feature Requests

Please forward all queries about this project to the issue tracker.


This library provides two Metadata Parsers and two utility functions for retriveing and parsing documents from a url.