authenticate method

Future<bool> authenticate({
  1. required String localizedReason,
  2. Iterable<AuthMessages> authMessages = const <AuthMessages>[IOSAuthMessages(), AndroidAuthMessages(), WindowsAuthMessages()],
  3. AuthenticationOptions options = const AuthenticationOptions(),

Authenticates the user with biometrics available on the device while also allowing the user to use device authentication - pin, pattern, passcode.

Returns true if the user successfully authenticated, false otherwise.

localizedReason is the message to show to user while prompting them for authentication. This is typically along the lines of: 'Authenticate to access MyApp.'. This must not be empty.

Provide authMessages if you want to customize messages in the dialogs.

Provide options for configuring further authentication related options.

Throws a PlatformException if there were technical problems with local authentication (e.g. lack of relevant hardware). This might throw PlatformException with error code otherOperatingSystem on the iOS simulator.


Future<bool> authenticate(
    {required String localizedReason,
    Iterable<AuthMessages> authMessages = const <AuthMessages>[
    AuthenticationOptions options = const AuthenticationOptions()}) {
  return LocalAuthPlatform.instance.authenticate(
    localizedReason: localizedReason,
    authMessages: authMessages,
    options: options,