resolveAs<S, T extends S> method

  1. @visibleForTesting
T? resolveAs<S, T extends S>([
  1. String? name

Attemps to resolve the type S and tries to cast it to T.

If name is set, the instance or builder registered with this name will be get.

This method is only available for Testing.

See also:


T? resolveAs<S, T extends S>([String? name]) {
  final obj = resolve<S>(name);
  if (!silent && !(obj is T)) {
    throw KiwiError(
        'Failed to resolve `$S` as `$T`:\n\nThe type `$S` as `$T` was not registered${name == null ? '' : ' for the name `$name`'}\n\nMake sure `$T` is added to your KiwiContainer and rerun build_runner build\n(If you are using the kiwi_generator)\n\nWhen using Flutter, most of the time a hot restart is required to setup the KiwiContainer again.');
  if (obj == null) return null;
  if (obj is T) return obj as T;
  return null;