ProcessManager constructor

  1. Stream<List<int>>? stdin,
  2. IOSink? stdout,
  3. IOSink? stderr,
  4. bool? isWindows,

Create a new instance of ProcessManager for the current platform.

May manually specify whether the current platform isWindows, otherwise this is derived from the Dart runtime (i.e. io.Platform.isWindows).


factory ProcessManager({
  Stream<List<int>>? stdin,
  io.IOSink? stdout,
  io.IOSink? stderr,
  bool? isWindows,
}) {
  stdin ??= sharedStdIn;
  stdout ??= io.stdout;
  stderr ??= io.stderr;
  isWindows ??= io.Platform.isWindows;
  if (isWindows) {
    return _WindowsProcessManager(stdin, stdout, stderr);
  return _UnixProcessManager(stdin, stdout, stderr);