processNonDigit method

void processNonDigit()

We've encountered a character that's not a digit. Go through our replacement rules looking for how to handle it. If we see something that's not a digit and doesn't have a replacement, then we're done and the number is probably invalid.


void processNonDigit() {
  // It might just be a prefix that we haven't skipped. We don't want to
  // skip them initially because they might also be semantically meaningful,
  // e.g. leading %. So we allow them through the loop, but only once.
  var foundAnInterpretation = false;
  if (input.atStart && !prefixesSkipped) {
    prefixesSkipped = true;
    checkPrefixes(skip: true);
    foundAnInterpretation = true;

  for (var key in replacements.keys) {
    if (input.startsWith(key)) {
  // We haven't found either of these things, this seems invalid.
  if (!foundAnInterpretation) {
    done = true;