ModeratorSites class




allSites List<world>
no setter
attachmentsWeightInBytes int
no setter
avatar String
no setter
combinedEntrySet ModeratorEntrySet
no setter
disk interzoneDisk?
getter/setter pair
droppedAttachments List<int>
no setter
find_homeSite world?
no setter
followedSites Set<String>
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
homeSite world?
no setter
HomeSiteLatestThreadsEntrySet ModeratorEntrySet
no setter
homeSiteName String
no setter
ipfsQflushFailed int
no setter
isPrimed bool
no setter
katamari Uint8List
no setter
lastPushedCID String
getter/setter pair
lastPushedCIDByteLength int
getter/setter pair
latestMine ModeratorEntry?
no setter
nick String
no setter
now int
no setter
online bool
getter/setter pair
outgoingCapsule Uint8List
no setter
refreshAllViaHTTP Future<bool>
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
stats List<int>
no setter
xxWants Uint8List
no setter
XXXlatestThreadsEntrySet ModeratorEntrySet
no setter


authoredBy(String tag) ModeratorEntrySet
AuthoredByWithReplies(String shortLink) ModeratorEntrySet
dropEntry(String shortLink, int xx) Future<bool>
findSite(String site) world?
followSite(String siteName, String url, String nick, String avatar) Future<bool>
housekeep() → void
incomingCapsule(Uint8List cap) Future<Uint8List>
incomingCapsuleXXdata(Uint8List cap) Future<Uint8List>
init(interzoneDisk _io) Future<void>
injectXX(int xx, Uint8List data) Future<bool>
isLikedOmni(String shortLink) bool
isSeenOmni(String shortLink) bool
likeEntry(String shortLink) Future<int>
markSeenOmni(String shortLink) bool
mentioning(String tag) ModeratorEntrySet
muteAuthor(String shortLink) Future<int>
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
outgoingCapsuleXXPush(int xxHash) Future<Uint8List?>
outgoingCapsuleXXwant(int xxHash) Uint8List
outgoingMessageCacheSend(int timestamp) Future<List<ModeratorEntry>?>
peekThreadOmni(String shortLink) bool
ping() bool
postEntry(String shortLink, String text, Uint8List attachment, String attachentType, int _xxHash) Future<int>
pullIPFScid(String cid, int xx) Future<Uint8List>
pullXXfromCache(String cid, int xx) Future<Uint8List>
refreshAuthor(String shortLink) Future<List<ModeratorEntry>?>
refreshGroupThread(String shortLink) Future<List<ModeratorEntry>?>
refreshTagged(String shortLink) Future<List<ModeratorEntry>?>
refreshThread(String shortLink) Future<List<ModeratorEntry>?>
replyEntry(String shortLink, String replyText, String ppShortLink, Uint8List attachement, String attachmentType, int _xxHash) Future<int>
satisfyXXwant(Uint8List data) Future<Uint8List>
setIpfsCredentials(String url, String k1, String k2, String site) Future<bool>
setNickAvatar(String nick, String avatar, String site) Future<bool>
setOffline() → void
setOnline() → void
shareEntry(String shortLink) Future<bool>
siteEntrySet(String site) ModeratorEntrySet?
switchSite(String siteName, String url, dynamic nick, dynamic avatar) Future<bool>
taggedAs(String tag) ModeratorEntrySet
taggedAsWithReplies(String shortLink) ModeratorEntrySet
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
unDirty() → void
unfollowSite(String siteName, String url, String nick) Future<bool>
unlikeEntry(String shortLink) Future<int>


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.