SKProductDiscountWrapper constructor

  1. required String price,
  2. required SKPriceLocaleWrapper priceLocale,
  3. required int numberOfPeriods,
  4. required SKProductDiscountPaymentMode paymentMode,
  5. required SKProductSubscriptionPeriodWrapper subscriptionPeriod,
  6. required String? identifier,
  7. required SKProductDiscountType type,

Creates an SKProductDiscountWrapper with the given discount details.


// TODO(stuartmorgan): Temporarily ignore const warning in other parts of the
// federated package, and remove this.
// ignore: prefer_const_constructors_in_immutables
    {required this.price,
    required this.priceLocale,
    required this.numberOfPeriods,
    required this.paymentMode,
    required this.subscriptionPeriod,
    required this.identifier,
    required this.type});