vignette function

Image vignette(
  1. Image src, {
  2. num start = 0.3,
  3. num end = 0.85,
  4. num amount = 0.9,
  5. Color? color,
  6. Image? mask,
  7. Channel maskChannel = Channel.luminance,

Apply a vignette filter to the image. start is the inner radius from the center of the image, where the fade to color starts to be applied; and end is the outer radius of the vignette effect where the color is fully applied. The radius values are in normalized percentage of the image size [0, 1]. amount controls the blend of the effect with the original image.


Image vignette(Image src,
    {num start = 0.3,
    num end = 0.85,
    num amount = 0.9,
    Color? color,
    Image? mask,
    Channel maskChannel = Channel.luminance}) {
  final h = src.height - 1;
  final w = src.width - 1;
  final cr = color?.rNormalized ?? 0;
  final cg = color?.gNormalized ?? 0;
  final cb = color?.bNormalized ?? 0;
  final ca = color?.aNormalized ?? 1;
  final aspect = w / h;
  for (final frame in src.frames) {
    for (final p in frame) {
      final dx = (0.5 - (p.x / w)) * aspect;
      final dy = 0.5 - (p.y / h);

      num d = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
      d = 1 - _smoothStep(end, start, d);

      final r = mix(p.rNormalized, cr, d) * p.maxChannelValue;
      final g = mix(p.gNormalized, cg, d) * p.maxChannelValue;
      final b = mix(p.bNormalized, cb, d) * p.maxChannelValue;
      final a = mix(p.aNormalized, ca, d) * p.maxChannelValue;

      final msk = mask?.getPixel(p.x, p.y).getChannelNormalized(maskChannel);
      final mx = (msk ?? 1) * amount;

        ..r = mix(p.r, r, mx)
        ..g = mix(p.g, g, mx)
        ..b = mix(p.b, b, mx)
        ..a = mix(p.a, a, mx);
  return src;