encode method

  1. @override
Uint8List encode(
  1. Image image, {
  2. bool singleFrame = false,

Encode an image to an image format. If singleFrame is true, only the one Image will be encoded; otherwise if image has animation, all frames of the image will be encoded if the encoder supports animation.


Uint8List encode(Image image, {bool singleFrame = false}) {
  final out = OutputBuffer();

  // TIFF is really just an EXIF structure (or, really, EXIF is just a TIFF
  // structure).

  final exif = ExifData();
  if (image.hasExif) {

  // TODO: support encoding HDR images to TIFF.
  if (image.isHdrFormat) {
    image = image.convert(format: Format.uint8);

  final type = image.numChannels == 1
      ? TiffPhotometricType.blackIsZero.index
      : image.hasPalette
          ? TiffPhotometricType.palette.index
          : TiffPhotometricType.rgb.index;

  final nc = image.numChannels;

  final ifd0 = exif.imageIfd;
  ifd0['ImageWidth'] = image.width;
  ifd0['ImageHeight'] = image.height;
  ifd0['BitsPerSample'] = image.bitsPerChannel;
  ifd0['SampleFormat'] = _getSampleFormat(image).index;
  ifd0['SamplesPerPixel'] = image.hasPalette ? 1 : nc;
  ifd0['Compression'] = TiffCompression.none;
  ifd0['PhotometricInterpretation'] = type;
  ifd0['RowsPerStrip'] = image.height;
  ifd0['PlanarConfiguration'] = 1;
  ifd0['TileWidth'] = image.width;
  ifd0['TileLength'] = image.height;
  ifd0['StripByteCounts'] = image.lengthInBytes;
  ifd0['StripOffsets'] = IfdValueUndefined.list(image.toUint8List());

  if (image.hasPalette) {
    final p = image.palette!;
    // Only support RGB palettes
    const numCh = 3;
    final numC = p.numColors;
    final colorMap = Uint16List(numC * numCh);
    for (var c = 0, ci = 0; c < numCh; ++c) {
      for (var i = 0; i < numC; ++i) {
        colorMap[ci++] = p.get(i, c).toInt() << 8;
    ifd0['ColorMap'] = colorMap;


  return out.getBytes();