onMuteListAddedFromGroup property

(void Function(String groupId, List<String> mutes, int? muteExpire)?) onMuteListAddedFromGroup

~english Occurs when one or more group members are muted.

Note: The mute function is different from a block list. A user, when muted, can still see group messages, but cannot send messages in the group. However, a user on the block list can neither see nor send group messages. ~end

~chinese 有成员被禁言回调。 用户禁言后,将无法在群中发送消息,但可查看群组中的消息,而黑名单中的用户无法查看和发送群组消息。 ~end


final void Function(
  String groupId,
  List<String> mutes,
  int? muteExpire,
)? onMuteListAddedFromGroup;