stronglyConnectedComponents<T extends Object> function

List<List<T>> stronglyConnectedComponents<T extends Object>(
  1. Iterable<T> nodes,
  2. Iterable<T> edges(
    1. T
    ), {
  3. bool equals(
    1. T,
    2. T
  4. int hashCode(
    1. T

Finds the strongly connected components of a directed graph using Tarjan's algorithm.

The result will be a valid reverse topological order ordering of the strongly connected components. Components further from a root will appear in the result before the components which they are connected to.

Nodes within a strongly connected component have no ordering guarantees, except that if the first value in nodes is a valid root, and is contained in a cycle, it will be the last element of that cycle.

nodes must contain at least a root of every tree in the graph if there are disjoint subgraphs but it may contain all nodes in the graph if the roots are not known.

If equals is provided, it is used to compare nodes in the graph. If equals is omitted, the node's own Object.== is used instead.

Similarly, if hashCode is provided, it is used to produce a hash value for nodes to efficiently calculate the return value. If it is omitted, the key's own Object.hashCode is used.

If you supply one of equals or hashCode, you should generally also to supply the other.


List<List<T>> stronglyConnectedComponents<T extends Object>(
  Iterable<T> nodes,
  Iterable<T> Function(T) edges, {
  bool Function(T, T)? equals,
  int Function(T)? hashCode,
}) {
  final result = <List<T>>[];
  final lowLinks = HashMap<T, int>(equals: equals, hashCode: hashCode);
  final indexes = HashMap<T, int>(equals: equals, hashCode: hashCode);
  final onStack = HashSet<T>(equals: equals, hashCode: hashCode);

  final nonNullEquals = equals ?? _defaultEquals;

  var index = 0;
  var lastVisited = Queue<T>();

  void strongConnect(T node) {
    indexes[node] = index;
    var lowLink = lowLinks[node] = index;
    for (final next in edges(node)) {
      if (!indexes.containsKey(next)) {
        lowLink = lowLinks[node] = min(lowLink, lowLinks[next]!);
      } else if (onStack.contains(next)) {
        lowLink = lowLinks[node] = min(lowLink, indexes[next]!);
    if (lowLinks[node] == indexes[node]) {
      final component = <T>[];
      T next;
      do {
        next = lastVisited.removeLast();
      } while (!nonNullEquals(next, node));

  for (final node in nodes) {
    if (!indexes.containsKey(node)) strongConnect(node);
  return result;