reviewStatus property

String? reviewStatus
getter/setter pair

The status of the class.

This field can be set to draft or The status of the class. This field can be set to draft or underReview using the insert, patch, or update API calls. Once the review state is changed from draft it may not be changed back to draft. You should keep this field to draft when the class is under development. A draft class cannot be used to create any object. You should set this field to underReview when you believe the class is ready for use. The platform will automatically set this field to approved and it can be immediately used to create or migrate objects. When updating an already approved class you should keep setting this field to underReview.

Required. Possible string values are:

  • "underReview" : Legacy alias for UNDER_REVIEW. Deprecated.
  • "approved" : Legacy alias for APPROVED. Deprecated.
  • "rejected" : Legacy alias for REJECTED. Deprecated.
  • "DRAFT"
  • "draft" : Legacy alias for DRAFT. Deprecated.


core.String? reviewStatus;