endpointFilter property

String? endpointFilter
getter/setter pair

The filter applied to the endpoints of the resolved service.

General filter string syntax: () * can be `name`, `address`, `port`, or `annotations.` for map field * can be <, >, <=, >=, !=, =, :. Of which : means HAS, and is roughly the same as = * must be the same data type as field * can be AND, OR, NOT Examples of valid filters: * annotations.owner returns endpoints that have a annotation with the key owner, this is the same as annotations:owner * annotations.protocol=gRPC returns endpoints that have key/value protocol=gRPC * address= returns endpoints that have this address * port>8080 returns endpoints that have port number larger than 8080 * name>projects/my-project/locations/us-east1/namespaces/my-namespace/services/my-service/endpoints/endpoint-c returns endpoints that have name that is alphabetically later than the string, so "endpoint-e" is returned but "endpoint-a" is not * name=projects/my-project/locations/us-central1/namespaces/my-namespace/services/my-service/endpoints/ep-1 returns the endpoint that has an endpoint_id equal to ep-1 * annotations.owner!=sd AND annotations.foo=bar returns endpoints that have owner in annotation key but value is not sd AND have key/value foo=bar * doesnotexist.foo=bar returns an empty list. Note that endpoint doesn't have a field called "doesnotexist". Since the filter does not match any endpoint, it returns no results For more information about filtering, see API Filtering.



core.String? endpointFilter;