query property

String? query
getter/setter pair

The query that is used to compute facet for the given facet key.

When provided, it overrides the default behavior of facet computation. The query syntax is the same as a filter expression. See SearchRequest.filter for detail syntax and limitations. Notice that there is no limitation on FacetKey.key when query is specified. In the response, SearchResponse.Facet.values.value is always "1" and SearchResponse.Facet.values.count is the number of results that match the query. For example, you can set a customized facet for "shipToStore", where FacetKey.key is "customizedShipToStore", and FacetKey.query is "availability: ANY("IN_STOCK") AND shipToStore: ANY("123")". Then the facet counts the products that are both in stock and ship to store "123".


core.String? query;