contextProductsType property

String? contextProductsType
getter/setter pair

Specifies the context of the model when it is used in predict requests.

Can only be set for the frequently-bought-together type. If it isn't specified, it defaults to MULTIPLE_CONTEXT_PRODUCTS.

Optional. Possible string values are:

  • "CONTEXT_PRODUCTS_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED" : Unspecified default value, should never be explicitly set. Defaults to MULTIPLE_CONTEXT_PRODUCTS.
  • "SINGLE_CONTEXT_PRODUCT" : Use only a single product as context for the recommendation. Typically used on pages like add-to-cart or product details.
  • "MULTIPLE_CONTEXT_PRODUCTS" : Use one or multiple products as context for the recommendation. Typically used on shopping cart pages.


core.String? contextProductsType;