maxWaitTime property

String? maxWaitTime
getter/setter pair

The maximum job wait time, expressed in seconds.

The field can contain up to nine fractional digits, terminated by s. If not specified, there is no limit to the wait time. The minimum for this field is 1800s (30 minutes). If the training job has not entered the RUNNING state after this duration, AI Platform Training cancels it. After the job begins running, it can no longer be cancelled due to the maximum wait time. Therefore the duration limited by this field does not overlap with the duration limited by Scheduling.max_running_time. For example, if the job temporarily stops running and retries due to a [VM restart](/ai-platform/training/docs/overview#restarts), this cannot lead to a maximum wait time cancellation. However, independently of this constraint, AI Platform Training might stop a job if there are too many retries due to exhausted resources in a region. The following example describes how you might use this field: To cancel your job if it doesn't start running within 1 hour, set this field to 3600s (1 hour * 60 minutes / hour * 60 seconds / minute). If the job is still in the QUEUED or PREPARING state after an hour of waiting, AI Platform Training cancels the job. If you submit your training job using the gcloud tool, you can [specify this field in a config.yaml file](/ai-platform/training/docs/training-jobs#formatting_your_configuration_parameters). For example: yaml trainingInput: scheduling: maxWaitTime: 3600s



core.String? maxWaitTime;