kmsKeyName property

String? kmsKeyName
getter/setter pair

The resource name for the configured Cloud KMS key.KMS key name format: "projects/[PROJECT_ID]/locations/[LOCATION]/keyRings/[KEYRING]/cryptoKeys/[KEY]" For example:"projects/my-project/locations/us-central1/keyRings/my-ring/cryptoKeys/my-key"To enable CMEK, set this field to a valid kms_key_name for which the associated service account has the required roles/cloudkms.cryptoKeyEncrypterDecrypter role assigned for the key.The Cloud KMS key used by the Log Router can be updated by changing the kms_key_name to a new valid key name.To disable CMEK for the Log Router, set this field to an empty string.See Enabling CMEK for Log Router ( for more information.



core.String? kmsKeyName;