enabledImplementationGuides property

List<String>? enabledImplementationGuides
getter/setter pair

A list of implementation guide URLs in this FHIR store that are used to configure the profiles to use for validation.

For example, to use the US Core profiles for validation, set enabled_implementation_guides to ["http://hl7.org/fhir/us/core/ImplementationGuide/ig"]. If enabled_implementation_guides is empty or omitted, then incoming resources are only required to conform to the base FHIR profiles. Otherwise, a resource must conform to at least one profile listed in the global property of one of the enabled ImplementationGuides. The Cloud Healthcare API does not currently enforce all of the rules in a StructureDefinition. The following rules are supported: - min/max - minValue/maxValue - maxLength - type - fixed[x] - pattern[x] on simple types - slicing, when using "value" as the discriminator type When a URL cannot be resolved (for example, in a type assertion), the server does not return an error.


core.List<core.String>? enabledImplementationGuides;