outlierDetection property

OutlierDetection? outlierDetection
getter/setter pair

Settings controlling the ejection of unhealthy backend endpoints from the load balancing pool of each individual proxy instance that processes the traffic for the given backend service.

If not set, this feature is considered disabled. Results of the outlier detection algorithm (ejection of endpoints from the load balancing pool and returning them back to the pool) are executed independently by each proxy instance of the load balancer. In most cases, more than one proxy instance handles the traffic received by a backend service. Thus, it is possible that an unhealthy endpoint is detected and ejected by only some of the proxies, and while this happens, other proxies may continue to send requests to the same unhealthy endpoint until they detect and eject the unhealthy endpoint. Applicable backend endpoints can be: - VM instances in an Instance Group - Endpoints in a Zonal NEG (GCE_VM_IP, GCE_VM_IP_PORT) - Endpoints in a Hybrid Connectivity NEG (NON_GCP_PRIVATE_IP_PORT) - Serverless NEGs, that resolve to Cloud Run, App Engine, or Cloud Functions Services - Private Service Connect NEGs, that resolve to Google-managed regional API endpoints or managed services published using Private Service Connect Applicable backend service types can be: - A global backend service with the loadBalancingScheme set to INTERNAL_SELF_MANAGED or EXTERNAL_MANAGED. - A regional backend service with the serviceProtocol set to HTTP, HTTPS, or HTTP2, and loadBalancingScheme set to INTERNAL_MANAGED or EXTERNAL_MANAGED. Not supported for Serverless NEGs. Not supported when the backend service is referenced by a URL map that is bound to target gRPC proxy that has validateForProxyless field set to true.


OutlierDetection? outlierDetection;