healthRoute property

String? healthRoute
getter/setter pair

HTTP path on the container to send health checks to.

Vertex AI intermittently sends GET requests to this path on the container's IP address and port to check that the container is healthy. Read more about health checks. For example, if you set this field to /bar, then Vertex AI intermittently sends a GET request to the /bar path on the port of your container specified by the first value of this ModelContainerSpec's ports field. If you don't specify this field, it defaults to the following value when you deploy this Model to an Endpoint: /v1/endpoints/ENDPOINT/deployedModels/ DEPLOYED_MODEL:predict The placeholders in this value are replaced as follows: * ENDPOINT: The last segment (following endpoints/)of the][] field of the Endpoint where this Model has been deployed. (Vertex AI makes this value available to your container code as the [AIP_ENDPOINT_ID environment variable](



core.String? healthRoute;