parseCluster static method

Cluster parseCluster(
  1. String clusterManagerIdString,
  2. Object positionObject,
  3. Map boundsMap,
  4. List markerIdsList,

Parses cluster data from dynamic json objects and returns Cluster object. Used by the cluster#onTap method call handler and the GoogleMapsInspectorAndroid.getClusters response parser.


static Cluster parseCluster(
    String clusterManagerIdString,
    Object positionObject,
    Map<dynamic, dynamic> boundsMap,
    List<dynamic> markerIdsList) {
  final ClusterManagerId clusterManagerId =
  final LatLng position = LatLng.fromJson(positionObject)!;

  final Map<String, List<dynamic>> latLngData =
      (dynamic key, dynamic object) => MapEntry<String, List<dynamic>>(
          key as String, object as List<dynamic>));

  final LatLngBounds bounds = LatLngBounds(
      northeast: LatLng.fromJson(latLngData['northeast'])!,
      southwest: LatLng.fromJson(latLngData['southwest'])!);

  final List<MarkerId> markerIds = markerIdsList
      .map((dynamic markerId) => MarkerId(markerId as String))

  return Cluster(
    position: position,
    bounds: bounds,