list method

List<String>? list(
  1. String directory, {
  2. void notify(
    1. String path

Lists the directory and returns content of this directory.

Parameters: directory Directory wich will be listed. notify A function that is called whenever an item is added.


List<String>? list(String directory, {void Function(String path)? notify}) {
  _files = <String>[];
  if (!_isDirectory(directory)) {
    return _files;

  _notify = notify;
  if (_caseSensitive) {
    if (_isWindows) {
      _useStrict = false;
    } else {
      _useStrict = true;
  } else {
    if (_isWindows) {
      _useStrict = true;
    } else {
      _useStrict = false;

  final isAbsolute = _glob.isAbsolute!;
  if (isAbsolute) {
    _offset = 0;
  } else {
    _offset = directory.length;

  if (isAbsolute) {
    if (_glob.crossesDirectory!) {
    } else {
  } else {
    if (_segments![0].crossesDirectory!) {
    } else {
      _listRelative(directory, 0);

  return _files;