testPoint method

  1. @override
bool testPoint(
  1. Transform xf,
  2. Vector2 p

Test a point for containment in this shape. This only works for convex shapes.

xf should be the shape world transform. point should be in world coordinates.


bool testPoint(Transform xf, Vector2 p) {
  final xfq = xf.q;

  var tempX = p.x - xf.p.x;
  var tempY = p.y - xf.p.y;
  final pLocalX = xfq.cos * tempX + xfq.sin * tempY;
  final pLocalY = -xfq.sin * tempX + xfq.cos * tempY;

  for (var i = 0; i < vertices.length; ++i) {
    final vertex = vertices[i];
    final normal = normals[i];
    tempX = pLocalX - vertex.x;
    tempY = pLocalY - vertex.y;
    final dot = normal.x * tempX + normal.y * tempY;
    if (dot > 0.0) {
      return false;

  return true;