raycast method

  1. @override
bool raycast(
  1. RayCastOutput output,
  2. RayCastInput input,
  3. Transform xf,
  4. int childIndex,

Cast a ray against a child shape.

output is the ray-cast results. input the ray-cast input parameters. transform to be applied to the shape. childIndex the child shape index Returns true if the child shape is hit.


bool raycast(
  RayCastOutput output,
  RayCastInput input,
  Transform xf,
  int childIndex,
) {
  final xfqc = xf.q.cos;
  final xfqs = xf.q.sin;
  final xfp = xf.p;
  var tempX = input.p1.x - xfp.x;
  var tempY = input.p1.y - xfp.y;
  final p1x = xfqc * tempX + xfqs * tempY;
  final p1y = -xfqs * tempX + xfqc * tempY;

  tempX = input.p2.x - xfp.x;
  tempY = input.p2.y - xfp.y;
  final p2x = xfqc * tempX + xfqs * tempY;
  final p2y = -xfqs * tempX + xfqc * tempY;

  final dx = p2x - p1x;
  final dy = p2y - p1y;

  var lower = 0.0;
  var upper = input.maxFraction;

  var index = -1;

  for (var i = 0; i < vertices.length; ++i) {
    final normal = normals[i];
    final vertex = vertices[i];
    final tempX = vertex.x - p1x;
    final tempY = vertex.y - p1y;
    final numerator = normal.x * tempX + normal.y * tempY;
    final denominator = normal.x * dx + normal.y * dy;

    if (denominator == 0.0) {
      if (numerator < 0.0) {
        return false;
    } else {
      // Note: we want this predicate without division:
      // lower < numerator / denominator, where denominator < 0
      // Since denominator < 0, we have to flip the inequality:
      // lower < numerator / denominator <==> denominator * lower >
      // numerator.
      if (denominator < 0.0 && numerator < lower * denominator) {
        // Increase lower.
        // The segment enters this half-space.
        lower = numerator / denominator;
        index = i;
      } else if (denominator > 0.0 && numerator < upper * denominator) {
        // Decrease upper.
        // The segment exits this half-space.
        upper = numerator / denominator;

    if (upper < lower) {
      return false;

  assert(0.0 <= lower && lower <= input.maxFraction);

  if (index >= 0) {
    output.fraction = lower;
    final normal = normals[index];
    final out = output.normal;
    out.x = xfqc * normal.x - xfqs * normal.y;
    out.y = xfqs * normal.x + xfqc * normal.y;
    return true;
  return false;