showToast static method

Future<void> showToast(
  1. String msg, {
  2. bool? clickBgDismissTemp,
  3. bool? isLoadingTemp,
  4. bool? isPenetrateTemp,
  5. bool? isUseAnimationTemp,
  6. Duration? animationDurationTemp,
  7. Color? maskColorTemp,
  8. Widget? maskWidgetTemp,
  9. AlignmentGeometry alignment = Alignment.bottomCenter,
  10. bool? consumeEvent,
  11. Duration? time,
  12. bool? debounceTemp,
  13. SmartToastType? type,
  14. Widget? widget,

toast message: param with a suffix of 'temp', indicating that such params can be set to default values in Config

msg:msg presented to users(Use the 'widget' param, this param will be invalid)

clickBgDismissTemp:default(false),true(loading will be closed after click background), false(not close)

isLoadingTemp:default(true),true(use the opacity animation), false(use the scale transition animation)

isPenetrateTemp:default(true),true(the click event will penetrate background), false(not penetration)

isUseAnimationTemp:true(use the animation),false(not use)

animationDurationTemp:animation duration

maskColorTemp:the color of the mask,it is invalid if maskWidgetTemp set the value

maskWidgetTemp:highly customizable mask

alignment:control the location of toast on the screen

consumeEvent: default (false), true (toast will consume touch events), false (toast no longer consumes events, touch events can penetrate toast)

time:toast display time on the screen(Use the 'widget' param, this param will be invalid)

debounceTemp:debounce feature

type:provider multiple display logic, please refer to SmartToastType comment for detailed description

widget:highly customizable toast

toast消息:以 'temp' 后缀的参数,表示此类参数都可在Config中设置默认值

msg:呈现给用户的信息(使用 'widget' 参数,该参数将失效)








alignment:控制toast在屏幕上的显示位置(使用 'widget' 参数,该参数将失效)




type:提供多种显示逻辑,详细描述请查看 SmartToastType 注释



static Future<void> showToast(
  String msg, {
  bool? clickBgDismissTemp,
  bool? isLoadingTemp,
  bool? isPenetrateTemp,
  bool? isUseAnimationTemp,
  Duration? animationDurationTemp,
  Color? maskColorTemp,
  Widget? maskWidgetTemp,
  AlignmentGeometry alignment = Alignment.bottomCenter,
  bool? consumeEvent,
  Duration? time,
  bool? debounceTemp,
  SmartToastType? type,
  Widget? widget,
}) async {
  return DialogProxy.instance.showToast(
    clickBgDismiss: clickBgDismissTemp ?? false,
    isLoading: isLoadingTemp ?? true,
    isPenetrate: isPenetrateTemp ?? true,
    isUseAnimation: isUseAnimationTemp ?? true,
    animationDuration: animationDurationTemp ?? Duration(milliseconds: 200),
    maskColor: maskColorTemp ?? config.maskColor,
    maskWidget: maskWidgetTemp ?? config.maskWidget,
    consumeEvent: consumeEvent ?? false,
    time: time ?? Duration(milliseconds: 2000),
    debounce: debounceTemp ?? config.debounce,
    type: type ?? SmartToastType.normal,
    widget: widget ?? DialogProxy.instance.toastBuilder(msg, alignment),