rotate method

  1. @override
bool rotate(
  1. double degree, {
  2. String? id,

Rotates the map to a decimal degree around the current center, where 0° is North

See rotateAroundPoint to rotate the map around a custom screen point.

id is an internally meaningless attribute, but it is passed through to the emitted MapEventRotate.

The emitted MapEventRotate.source property will be MapEventSource.mapController.

Returns true and emits a MapEventRotate event (which can be listed to through MapEventCallbacks, such as MapOptions.onMapEvent), unless the move failed because degree (after adjustment when necessary) was equal to the current value.


bool rotate(double degree, {String? id}) => rotateRaw(
      hasGesture: false,
      source: MapEventSource.mapController,
      id: id,