LatLngBounds.fromPoints constructor

  1. List<LatLng> points

Create a new LatLngBounds from a list of LatLng points. This calculates the bounding box of the provided points.


factory LatLngBounds.fromPoints(List<LatLng> points) {
    'LatLngBounds cannot be created with an empty List of LatLng',
  // initialize bounds with max values.
  double minX = maxLongitude;
  double maxX = minLongitude;
  double minY = maxLatitude;
  double maxY = minLatitude;
  // find the largest and smallest latitude and longitude
  for (final point in points) {
    if (point.longitude < minX) minX = point.longitude;
    if (point.longitude > maxX) maxX = point.longitude;
    if (point.latitude < minY) minY = point.latitude;
    if (point.latitude > maxY) maxY = point.latitude;
  return LatLngBounds.unsafe(
    north: maxY,
    south: minY,
    east: maxX,
    west: minX,