InteractionOptions constructor

const InteractionOptions({
  1. int flags = InteractiveFlag.all,
  2. bool debugMultiFingerGestureWinner = false,
  3. bool enableMultiFingerGestureRace = false,
  4. double rotationThreshold = 20.0,
  5. int rotationWinGestures = MultiFingerGesture.rotate,
  6. double pinchZoomThreshold = 0.5,
  7. int pinchZoomWinGestures = MultiFingerGesture.pinchZoom | MultiFingerGesture.pinchMove,
  8. double pinchMoveThreshold = 40.0,
  9. int pinchMoveWinGestures = MultiFingerGesture.pinchZoom | MultiFingerGesture.pinchMove,
  10. double scrollWheelVelocity = 0.005,
  11. CursorKeyboardRotationOptions cursorKeyboardRotationOptions = const CursorKeyboardRotationOptions(),

Create a new InteractionOptions instance to be used in MapOptions.interactionOptions.


const InteractionOptions({
  this.flags = InteractiveFlag.all,
  this.debugMultiFingerGestureWinner = false,
  this.enableMultiFingerGestureRace = false,
  this.rotationThreshold = 20.0,
  this.rotationWinGestures = MultiFingerGesture.rotate,
  this.pinchZoomThreshold = 0.5,
  this.pinchZoomWinGestures =
      MultiFingerGesture.pinchZoom | MultiFingerGesture.pinchMove,
  this.pinchMoveThreshold = 40.0,
  this.pinchMoveWinGestures =
      MultiFingerGesture.pinchZoom | MultiFingerGesture.pinchMove,
  this.scrollWheelVelocity = 0.005,
  this.cursorKeyboardRotationOptions = const CursorKeyboardRotationOptions(),
})  : assert(
        rotationThreshold >= 0.0,
        'rotationThreshold needs to be a positive value',
        pinchZoomThreshold >= 0.0,
        'pinchZoomThreshold needs to be a positive value',
        pinchMoveThreshold >= 0.0,
        'pinchMoveThreshold needs to be a positive value',