menuButtonTheme static method

MenuButtonThemeData menuButtonTheme({
  1. required ColorScheme colorScheme,
  2. SchemeColor? menuBackgroundSchemeColor,
  3. SchemeColor? backgroundSchemeColor,
  4. SchemeColor? foregroundSchemeColor,
  5. SchemeColor? indicatorBackgroundSchemeColor,
  6. SchemeColor? indicatorForegroundSchemeColor,
  7. double? radius,
  8. MaterialStateProperty<TextStyle?>? textStyle,
  9. bool? useTintedInteraction,
  10. bool? useTintedDisable,

An opinionated MenuButtonThemeData theme.

Provides complex styling for themed SubmenuButtons and MenuItemButtons with SchemeColor selections. Border radius on the indicator, highlighted menu item.

If highlight colors are not defined, the highlighted item uses default MaterialState property response os overlay for highlighted item. These states can optionally also use FlexColorScheme tinted style. Disabled items can also to use the optional FCS tinted style.


static MenuButtonThemeData menuButtonTheme({
  // Typically the same [ColorScheme] that is also used for your [ThemeData].
  required final ColorScheme colorScheme,

  /// Provide info on which color from the passed in [colorScheme] parameter
  /// that is used as background color of menu containers defined by
  /// [FlexSubThemes.menuTheme] and [FlexSubThemes.menuBarTheme]. The menu
  /// container is used by [MenuAnchor], [DropDownMenu] and menus on
  /// [MenuBar].
  /// If not defined, defaults to [colorScheme.surface].
  final SchemeColor? menuBackgroundSchemeColor,

  /// Select which color from the passed in [colorScheme] parameter to use as
  /// the [SubmenuButton]s and [MenuItemButton]s background color for
  /// unselected, i.e. not highlighted via hover, focus or pressed state.
  /// If not defined, defaults to [menuBackgroundSchemeColor].
  final SchemeColor? backgroundSchemeColor,

  /// Select which color from the passed in [colorScheme] parameter to use as
  /// the [SubmenuButton]s and [MenuItemButton]s foreground color.
  /// If not defined, defaults to the contrast pair for
  /// [backgroundSchemeColor].
  final SchemeColor? foregroundSchemeColor,

  /// Select which color from the passed in [colorScheme] parameter to use as
  /// the highlighted [SubmenuButton]s and [MenuItemButton]s indicator
  /// background color.
  /// If not defined, defaults to [backgroundSchemeColor] and the indicator
  /// only get overlay color hover, focus and press states.
  final SchemeColor? indicatorBackgroundSchemeColor,

  /// Select which color from the passed in [colorScheme] parameter to use as
  /// the highlighted [SubmenuButton]s and [MenuItemButton]s indicator
  /// foreground color.
  /// If not defined, defaults to the contrast pair for
  /// [indicatorBackgroundSchemeColor], without its overlay color.
  /// If [indicatorBackgroundSchemeColor] is not defined the result of
  /// this is same color as [foregroundSchemeColor].
  final SchemeColor? indicatorForegroundSchemeColor,

  /// The MenuButton corner border radius.
  /// If not defined, defaults to 0 via Widget's default behavior.
  final double? radius,

  /// The style for a menu button's [Text] widget descendants.
  /// The color of the [textStyle] is typically not used directly, the
  /// [foregroundSchemeColor] is used instead.
  final MaterialStateProperty<TextStyle?>? textStyle,

  /// Defines if the theme uses tinted interaction effects.
  /// If undefined, defaults to false.
  final bool? useTintedInteraction,

  /// Defines if the theme uses tinted disabled color.
  /// If undefined, defaults to false.
  final bool? useTintedDisable,
}) {
  final bool tintInteract = useTintedInteraction ?? false;
  final bool tintDisable = useTintedDisable ?? false;

  // Get foreground color used on not active menu item, by default
  // contrast to menu background color, which defaults to surface.
  // FCS passes in the generally defined menu background, if it has been
  // defined, to ensure buttons are based on their background color.
  // The buttons can have another un-highlighted background color than the
  // menu container, but it is probably not a very useful design.
  final SchemeColor menuBgScheme =
      menuBackgroundSchemeColor ?? SchemeColor.surface;
  final SchemeColor bgScheme = backgroundSchemeColor ?? menuBgScheme;
  final Color backgroundColor = schemeColor(bgScheme, colorScheme);
  final SchemeColor fgScheme =
      foregroundSchemeColor ?? onSchemeColor(bgScheme);
  final Color foregroundColor = schemeColor(fgScheme, colorScheme);

  // Get background color of highlighted menu item.
  final SchemeColor indBgScheme = indicatorBackgroundSchemeColor ?? bgScheme;
  final Color indicatorBgColor = schemeColor(indBgScheme, colorScheme);
  final SchemeColor indFgScheme =
      indicatorForegroundSchemeColor ?? onSchemeColor(indBgScheme);
  final Color indicatorFgColor = schemeColor(indFgScheme, colorScheme);

  final bool transparentBackground =
      backgroundSchemeColor == null || menuBgScheme == bgScheme;

  // If foreground is plain contrast to a standard surface, we cannot use it
  // for tint, in that case we will use primary color for tint.
  final bool fgIsPlain = fgScheme == SchemeColor.onSurface ||
      fgScheme == SchemeColor.onSurfaceVariant ||
      fgScheme == SchemeColor.onBackground;
  final bool indFgIsPlain = indFgScheme == SchemeColor.onSurface ||
      indFgScheme == SchemeColor.onSurfaceVariant ||
      indFgScheme == SchemeColor.onBackground;
  // We are using a light colorScheme.
  final bool isLight = colorScheme.brightness == Brightness.light;
  // Get brightness of background color.
  final bool bgIsLight =
      ThemeData.estimateBrightnessForColor(indicatorBgColor) ==
  // We use surface mode tint factor, if it is light theme and background
  // is light OR if it is a dark theme and background is dark.
  final bool surfaceMode = (isLight && bgIsLight) || (!isLight && !bgIsLight);
  // Using these tinted overlay variable in all themes for ease of
  // reasoning and duplication.
  final Color overlay = indicatorBgColor;
  final Color tint = indFgIsPlain ? colorScheme.primary : indicatorFgColor;
  final Color disabledTint =
      fgIsPlain ? colorScheme.primary : foregroundColor;
  // Custom factor for menu buttons.
  final double factor = surfaceMode ? 1 : 2;

  return MenuButtonThemeData(
    style: ButtonStyle(
      textStyle: textStyle,
      // MenuButtons text and background changes should not animate.
      // If tey do we get this issue:
      // We do not want that. This Duration fixes the issue.
      // Foreground color, use same for icon.
      foregroundColor: MaterialStateProperty.resolveWith(
        (Set<MaterialState> states) {
          if (states.contains(MaterialState.disabled)) {
            if (tintDisable) {
              return tintedDisable(foregroundColor, disabledTint);
            return foregroundColor.withAlpha(kAlphaDisabled);
          if (states.contains(MaterialState.pressed)) {
            return indicatorFgColor;
          if (states.contains(MaterialState.hovered)) {
            return indicatorFgColor;
          if (states.contains(MaterialState.focused)) {
            return indicatorFgColor;
          return foregroundColor;
      // icon foreground color.
      iconColor: MaterialStateProperty.resolveWith(
        (Set<MaterialState> states) {
          if (states.contains(MaterialState.disabled)) {
            if (tintDisable) {
              return tintedDisable(foregroundColor, disabledTint);
            return foregroundColor.withAlpha(kAlphaDisabled);
          if (states.contains(MaterialState.pressed)) {
            return indicatorFgColor;
          if (states.contains(MaterialState.hovered)) {
            return indicatorFgColor;
          if (states.contains(MaterialState.focused)) {
            return indicatorFgColor;
          return foregroundColor;
      backgroundColor: MaterialStateProperty.resolveWith(
        (Set<MaterialState> states) {
          if (indicatorBackgroundSchemeColor != null) {
            if (states.contains(MaterialState.pressed)) {
              return indicatorBgColor;
            if (states.contains(MaterialState.hovered)) {
              return indicatorBgColor;
            if (states.contains(MaterialState.focused)) {
              return indicatorBgColor;
          return transparentBackground ? Colors.transparent : backgroundColor;
      overlayColor: MaterialStateProperty.resolveWith(
        (Set<MaterialState> states) {
          if (states.contains(MaterialState.pressed)) {
            if (tintInteract) return tintedPressed(overlay, tint, factor);
            return foregroundColor.withAlpha(kAlphaPressed);
          if (states.contains(MaterialState.selected)) {
            if (tintInteract) return tintedSplash(overlay, tint, factor);
            return foregroundColor.withAlpha(kAlphaSplash);
          if (states.contains(MaterialState.focused)) {
            if (indicatorBackgroundSchemeColor != null) {
              return Colors.transparent;
            if (tintInteract) return tintedFocused(overlay, tint, factor);
            return foregroundColor.withAlpha(kAlphaFocused);
          if (states.contains(MaterialState.hovered)) {
            if (indicatorBackgroundSchemeColor != null) {
              return Colors.transparent;
            if (tintInteract) return tintedHovered(overlay, tint, factor);
            return foregroundColor.withAlpha(kAlphaFocused);
          return Colors.transparent;
      shape: radius == null
          ? null
          : ButtonStyleButton.allOrNull<OutlinedBorder>(
                borderRadius: BorderRadius.all(