floatingActionButtonTheme static method

FloatingActionButtonThemeData floatingActionButtonTheme({
  1. required ColorScheme colorScheme,
  2. SchemeColor? backgroundSchemeColor,
  3. double? radius,
  4. bool useShape = true,
  5. bool alwaysCircular = false,
  6. TextStyle? extendedTextStyle,
  7. bool? useTintedInteraction,
  8. bool? useMaterial3,

An opinionated FloatingActionButtonThemeData with custom border radius.

The border radius defaults to kDefaultRadius = 16, the new M3 default. https://m3.material.io/components/floating-action-button/specs

By setting useShape to false, it is possible to opt out of all shape theming on FABs and keep their M2 defaults, while still eg. keeping M3 defaults on other widgets or changing their border radius with the shared global value.

You may want to continue to keep the FAB circular and extended FAB stadium (pill) shaped as before, despite otherwise using a rounder or M3 design. The circular M2 FAB goes well with those designs too and is more familiar.


static FloatingActionButtonThemeData floatingActionButtonTheme({
  /// Typically the same `ColorScheme` that is also used for your `ThemeData`.
  required final ColorScheme colorScheme,

  /// Select which color from the passed in [colorScheme] parameter to use as
  /// the floating action button background color.
  /// If not defined, then if [useMaterial3] `colorScheme.secondary` will
  /// be. If [useMaterial3] is true, then `colorScheme.primaryContainer`
  /// will be used.
  /// The foreground color automatically uses the selected background
  /// color's contrast color pair in the passed in [colorScheme] property.
  final SchemeColor? backgroundSchemeColor,

  /// Corner radius of the [FloatingActionButton].
  /// If not defined, defaults to [kFabRadius] 16dp,
  /// based on M3 Specification
  /// https://m3.material.io/components/floating-action-button/specs
  final double? radius,

  /// Set to false to not apply any Shape theming to the FAB.
  /// If set to false, the Shape property will be kept null, regardless
  /// of what border radius was given, also via `alwaysCircular` property.
  /// This results in that the FAB theme data, will use and implement its
  /// Flutter SDK default shape behavior. Other properties are still used.
  /// Default to true.
  final bool useShape = true,

  /// Set to true to always use circular and stadium shapes on the FAB.
  /// If set to true, it overrides `radius` and shape is always circular
  /// or stadium shaped.
  /// Implementation is via `StadiumBorder` to be able
  /// to support the extended FAB as well. It looks same with Stadium on
  /// the circular cases as the actual Circular FAB using ones in M2, but
  /// implementation is different since we cannot use different themed
  /// shapes for different types of FAB, like the hard coded default
  /// none themed behavior does. See issue
  /// [#107946](https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/107946) for
  /// more information.
  /// Has no impact if `useShape` is false.
  /// Defaults to false.
  final bool alwaysCircular = false,

  /// The text style for an extended [FloatingActionButton]'s label.
  final TextStyle? extendedTextStyle,

  /// Defines if the theme uses tinted interaction effects.
  /// If undefined, defaults to false.
  final bool? useTintedInteraction,

  /// A temporary flag used to opt-in to Material 3 features.
  /// If set to true, the theme will use Material3 default styles when
  /// properties are undefined, if false defaults will use FlexColorScheme's
  /// own opinionated default values.
  /// The M2/M3 defaults will only be used for properties that are not
  /// defined, if defined they keep their defined values.
  /// If undefined, defaults to false.
  final bool? useMaterial3,
}) {
  final bool useM3 = useMaterial3 ?? false;
  final bool tintInteract = useTintedInteraction ?? false;
  final Color? background = backgroundSchemeColor == null
      ? null
      : schemeColor(backgroundSchemeColor, colorScheme);
  final Color? foreground = backgroundSchemeColor == null
      ? null
      : schemeColorPair(backgroundSchemeColor, colorScheme);

  final Color overlay = foreground ??
      (useM3 ? colorScheme.onPrimaryContainer : colorScheme.onSecondary);
  final Color tint = background ??
      (useM3 ? colorScheme.primaryContainer : colorScheme.secondary);

  final double factor = _tintAlphaFactor(tint, colorScheme.brightness);

  return FloatingActionButtonThemeData(
    extendedTextStyle: extendedTextStyle,
    foregroundColor: foreground,
    backgroundColor: background,
    splashColor: tintInteract ? tintedSplash(overlay, tint, factor) : null,
    focusColor: tintInteract ? tintedFocused(overlay, tint, factor) : null,
    hoverColor: tintInteract ? tintedHovered(overlay, tint, factor) : null,
    shape: useShape
        ? alwaysCircular
            ? const StadiumBorder()
            : RoundedRectangleBorder(
                borderRadius: BorderRadius.all(
                  Radius.circular(radius ?? kFabRadius),
        : null,