buttonTheme static method

ButtonThemeData buttonTheme({
  1. required ColorScheme colorScheme,
  2. SchemeColor? baseSchemeColor,
  3. double? radius,
  4. EdgeInsetsGeometry? padding,
  5. Size? minButtonSize,
  6. bool? alignedDropdown,
  7. bool? useTintedInteraction,
  8. bool? useTintedDisable,

An opinionated ButtonThemeData theme.

The ButtonThemeData is marked as obsolete in Flutter SDK documentation, but not yet deprecated in Flutter stable SDK 3.7.x.

This sub-theme will be removed in FCS when Flutter SDK deprecates ButtonThemeData.

This theme is used to provide the same opinionated theme and style on the deprecated buttons RaisedButton, OutlineButtons and FlatButton. Button theme has more limited theming capability and cannot match the Material style buttons fully, this is an approximation.

The adjustable button corner radius defaults to 20. This was an early default in M3 for buttons, it was later changed to stadium border. Flutter SDK M2 defaults to 4.

The button padding defaults to: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 16). It is used to make the buttons match the padding on the newer buttons.

The above legacy buttons this sub theme is for, will be completely removed in Flutter stable version. The ButtonThemeData this helper uses will however remain available after that, because widgets ButtonBar and DropdownButton, plus MaterialButton (marked as obsolete in SDK docs though) still use this theme. It is thus kept around in FlexColorScheme package as long as it might have some use and exists in Flutter stable SDK.


static ButtonThemeData buttonTheme({
  /// Typically the same [ColorScheme] that is also used for your [ThemeData].
  required final ColorScheme colorScheme,

  /// Selects which color from the passed in colorScheme to use as the main
  /// color for the button.
  /// All colors in the color scheme are not good choices, but some work well.
  /// If not defined, [colorScheme.primary] will be used.
  final SchemeColor? baseSchemeColor,

  /// The button corner radius.
  /// If not defined, defaults to [kButtonRadius] 40dp,
  /// based on earlier M3 specification, that was later changed to stadium.
  /// https://m3.material.io/components/buttons/specs
  final double? radius,

  /// Padding for legacy button.
  /// If not defined,
  /// defaults to [kButtonPadding] = `EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 16)`.
  /// This makes the legacy buttons same size as default margin on new ones.
  final EdgeInsetsGeometry? padding,

  /// Minimum button size.
  /// If undefined, defaults to [kButtonMinSize] = Size(40, 40).
  final Size? minButtonSize,

  /// If true, then a [DropdownButton] menu's width will match the button's
  /// width.
  /// If false (the default), then the dropdown's menu will be wider than
  /// its button. In either case the dropdown button will line up the leading
  /// edge of the menu's value with the leading edge of the values
  /// displayed by the menu items.
  /// This property only affects [DropdownButton] and its menu.
  /// If not defined default to false.
  final bool? alignedDropdown,

  /// Defines if the theme uses tinted interaction effects.
  /// If undefined, defaults to false.
  final bool? useTintedInteraction,

  /// Defines if the theme uses tinted disabled color.
  /// If undefined, defaults to false.
  final bool? useTintedDisable,
}) {
  final bool tintInteract = useTintedInteraction ?? false;
  final bool tintDisable = useTintedDisable ?? false;
  // Get selected color, defaults to primary.
  final Color baseColor =
      schemeColor(baseSchemeColor ?? SchemeColor.primary, colorScheme);

  // Using these tinted overlay variable in all themes for ease of
  // reasoning and duplication.
  final Color overlay = colorScheme.surface;
  final Color tint = baseColor;
  final double factor = _tintAlphaFactor(tint, colorScheme.brightness);

  // Effective minimum button size.
  final Size effectiveMinButtonSize = minButtonSize ?? kButtonMinSize;

  return ButtonThemeData(
    colorScheme: colorScheme,
    alignedDropdown: alignedDropdown ?? false,
    minWidth: effectiveMinButtonSize.width,
    height: effectiveMinButtonSize.height,
    padding: padding ?? kButtonPadding,
    layoutBehavior: ButtonBarLayoutBehavior.constrained,
    materialTapTargetSize: MaterialTapTargetSize.shrinkWrap,
    hoverColor: tintInteract
        ? tintedHovered(overlay, tint, factor)
        : baseColor.withAlpha(kAlphaHovered),
    focusColor: tintInteract
        ? tintedFocused(overlay, tint, factor)
        : baseColor.withAlpha(kAlphaFocused),
    highlightColor: tintInteract
        ? tintedHighlight(overlay, tint, factor)
        : baseColor.withAlpha(kAlphaHighlight),
    splashColor: tintInteract
        ? tintedSplash(overlay, tint, factor)
        : baseColor.withAlpha(kAlphaSplash),
    disabledColor: tintDisable
        ? tintedDisable(colorScheme.onSurface, tint)
        : colorScheme.onSurface.withAlpha(kAlphaLowDisabled),
    shape: RoundedRectangleBorder(
      borderRadius: BorderRadius.all(
        Radius.circular(radius ?? kButtonRadius),
    textTheme: ButtonTextTheme.primary,