surfaceTint property

Color? surfaceTint

A custom color used as an overlay on a surface color to indicate a component's elevation and surface color branding or tinting.

If a colorScheme was provided where this corresponding color is defined, this color property will override the same color in it.

This color is used by Material 3 for colored elevation, it is also used as the blend color for FlexColorScheme surface blends. Additionally this color is if provided used as key color for seeding the neutral color palettes, when seed generated color schemes are used. It is important that all these properties use the same color.

Typically this color is not customized, most designs use the default where the theme primary color is used for slightly mixing it into the neutral background and surface colors, when seeding is used. As well as using it for the the elevation tint in Material 3, plus for the surface blends that can optionally be added with FlexColorScheme.

If undefined, primary color is used.


final Color? surfaceTint;