apiKeyId property

String? apiKeyId
getter/setter pair

The globally unique, Google-assigned identifier (UID) for the Firebase API key associated with the App.

Be aware that this value is the UID of the API key, not the [keyString](https://cloud.google.com/api-keys/docs/reference/rest/v2/projects.locations.keys#Key.FIELDS.key_string) of the API key. The keyString is the value that can be found in the App's configuration artifact ([AndroidApp](../../rest/v1beta1/projects.androidApps/getConfig) | [IosApp](../../rest/v1beta1/projects.iosApps/getConfig) | [WebApp](../../rest/v1beta1/projects.webApps/getConfig)). If api_key_id is not set in requests to create the App ([AndroidApp](../../rest/v1beta1/projects.androidApps/create) | [IosApp](../../rest/v1beta1/projects.iosApps/create) | [WebApp](../../rest/v1beta1/projects.webApps/create)), then Firebase automatically associates an api_key_id with the App. This auto-associated key may be an existing valid key or, if no valid key exists, a new one will be provisioned.


core.String? apiKeyId;