initializeApp method

App initializeApp([
  1. AppOptions? options,
  2. String name = defaultAppName

Creates and initializes a Firebase App instance with the given options and name.

The options is initialized with provided credential and databaseURL. A valid credential can be obtained with cert or certFromPath.

The name argument allows using multiple Firebase applications at the same time. If omitted then default app name is used.


var certificate = FirebaseAdmin.instance.cert(
  projectId: 'your-project-id',
  clientEmail: 'your-client-email',
  privateKey: 'your-private-key',
var app = FirebaseAdmin.instance.initializeApp(
    credential: certificate,
    databaseURL: '')

See also:


App initializeApp([AppOptions? options, String name = defaultAppName]) {
  options ??= _loadOptionsFromEnvVar(Credentials.applicationDefault());
  if (name.isEmpty) {
    throw FirebaseAppError.invalidAppName(
      'Invalid Firebase app name "$name" provided. App name must be a non-empty string.',
  } else if (_apps.containsKey(name)) {
    if (name == defaultAppName) {
      throw FirebaseAppError.duplicateApp(
        'The default Firebase app already exists. This means you called initializeApp() '
        'more than once without providing an app name as the second argument. In most cases '
        'you only need to call initializeApp() once. But if you do want to initialize '
        'multiple apps, pass a second argument to initializeApp() to give each app a unique '
    } else {
      throw FirebaseAppError.duplicateApp(
        'Firebase app named "$name" already exists. This means you called initializeApp() '
        'more than once with the same app name as the second argument. Make sure you provide a '
        'unique name every time you call initializeApp().',

  return _apps[name] = App(name, options);