Config class

Provides configurations to other modules.

Handles validation, extraction of configurations from a yaml file.


Config.fromFile(File file, {PackageConfig? packageConfig})
Create config from a file.
Config.fromYaml(YamlMap map, {String? filename, PackageConfig? packageConfig})
Create config from Yaml map.


commentType → CommentType
Extracted Doc comment type.
no setter
compilerOpts List<String>
CommandLine Arguments to pass to clang_compiler.
no setter
enumClassDecl → Declaration
Declaration config for Enums.
no setter
excludeAllByDefault bool
If enabled, the default behavior of all declaration filters is to exclude everything, rather than include everything.
no setter
exposeFunctionTypedefs → Includer
no setter
ffiNativeConfig → FfiNativeConfig
no setter
filename String?
Input filename.
no setter
functionDecl → Declaration
Declaration config for Functions.
no setter
globals → Declaration
Declaration config for Globals.
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
headers → Headers
no setter
language → Language
Language that ffigen is consuming.
no setter
leafFunctions → Includer
no setter
libclangDylib String
Location for llvm/lib folder.
no setter
libraryImports Map<String, LibraryImport>
Stores all the library imports specified by user including those for ffi and pkg_ffi.
no setter
macroDecl → Declaration
Declaration config for Macro constants.
no setter
nativeTypeMappings Map<String, ImportedType>
Stores native int name to ImportedType mappings specified by user.
no setter
objcInterfaces → Declaration
Declaration config for Objective C interfaces.
no setter
objcModulePrefixer → ObjCModulePrefixer
Module prefixes for ObjC interfaces.
no setter
output String
Output file name.
no setter
packageConfig → PackageConfig?
Package config.
no setter
preamble String?
Header of the generated bindings.
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
sort bool
If generated bindings should be sorted alphabetically.
no setter
structDecl → Declaration
Declaration config for Structs.
no setter
structDependencies → CompoundDependencies
Whether structs that are dependencies should be included.
no setter
structPackingOverride → StructPackingOverride
Holds config for how struct packing should be overriden.
no setter
structTypeMappings Map<String, ImportedType>
Stores struct name to ImportedType mappings specified by user.
no setter
symbolFile → SymbolFile?
Symbol file config.
no setter
typedefs → Declaration
Declaration config for Typedefs.
no setter
typedefTypeMappings Map<String, ImportedType>
Stores typedef name to ImportedType mappings specified by user.
no setter
unionDecl → Declaration
Declaration config for Unions.
no setter
unionDependencies → CompoundDependencies
Whether unions that are dependencies should be included.
no setter
unionTypeMappings Map<String, ImportedType>
Stores union name to ImportedType mappings specified by user.
no setter
unnamedEnumConstants → Declaration
Declaration config for Unnamed enum constants.
no setter
useDartHandle bool
If Dart_Handle should be mapped with Handle/Object.
no setter
useSupportedTypedefs bool
If typedef of supported types(int8_t) should be directly used.
no setter
usrTypeMappings Map<String, ImportedType>
Stores all the symbol file maps name to ImportedType mappings specified by user.
no setter
varArgFunctions Map<String, List<VarArgFunction>>
VarArg function handling.
no setter
wrapperDocComment String?
Doc comment for the wrapper class.
no setter
wrapperName String
Name of the wrapper class.
no setter


addCompilerOpts(String compilerOpts, {bool highPriority = false}) → void
Add compiler options for clang. If highPriority is true these are added to the front of the list.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.