
Pure flutter widget (non native) for view EPUB documents on all platforms. Based on epub package. Render with flutter widgets (not native view) on any platforms: Web, MacOs, Windows Linux, Android and iOS


Getting Started

In your flutter project add the dependency:

flutter pub add epub_view

Usage example:

import 'dart:typed_data';

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_epub/flutter_epub.dart';

late EpubController _epubController;

void initState() {
  _epubController = EpubController(
    // Load document
    document: EpubDocument.openAsset('assets/book.epub'),
    // Set start point
    epubCfi: 'epubcfi(/6/6[chapter-2]!/4/2/1612)',

Widget build(BuildContext context) => Scaffold(
  appBar: AppBar(
    // Show actual chapter name
    title: EpubViewActualChapter(
      controller: _epubController,
      builder: (chapterValue) => Text(
        'Chapter: ' + (chapterValue?.chapter?.Title?.replaceAll('\n', '').trim() ?? ''),
        textAlign: TextAlign.start,
  // Show table of contents
  drawer: Drawer(
    child: EpubViewTableOfContents(
      controller: _epubController,
  // Show epub document
  body: EpubView(
    controller: _epubController,

How start from last view position?

This method allows you to keep the exact reading position even inside the chapter:

_epubController = EpubController(
  // initialize with epub cfi string for open book from last position
  epubCfi: 'epubcfi(/6/6[chapter-2]!/4/2/1612)',

// Attach controller
  controller: _epubController,

// Get epub cfi string
// for example output - epubcfi(/6/6[chapter-2]!/4/2/1612)
final cfi = _epubController.generateEpubCfi();

// or usage controller for navigate


Open document

Local document open:


EpubDocument.openData(FutureOr<Uint8List> data)

// Not supports on Web

Network document open:

Install [network_file](https://pub-web.flutter-io.cn/packages/internet_file) package (supports all platforms):

flutter pub add internet_file

And use it

import 'package:internet_file/internet_file.dart';

// The cors policy is required on the server. 
// You can raise your cors proxy.

Control document

// Get epub cfi string of actual view insets
// for example output - epubcfi(/6/6[chapter-2]!/4/2/1612)
final cfi = _epubController.generateEpubCfi();

// Navigate to paragraph in document

Document callbacks

  controller: epubController,
  onExternalLinkPressed: (href) {},

  onDocumentLoaded: (document) {},
  onChapterChanged: (chapter) {},
  onDocumentError: (error) {},

