ImapClient class

Low-level IMAP library.

Compliant to IMAP4rev1 standard RFC 3501. Also compare recommendations at RFC 2683


ImapClient({EventBus? bus, bool isLogEnabled = false, String? logName, Duration? defaultWriteTimeout, Duration? defaultResponseTimeout, bool onBadCertificate(X509Certificate)?})
Creates a new ImapClient instance.


connectionInfo ↔ ConnectionInfo
Information about the connection
getter/setter pairinherited
defaultResponseTimeout Duration?
The default timeout for getting a response
defaultWriteTimeout Duration?
The default timeout for sending a command
eventBus → EventBus
Allows to listens for events
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
isConnected bool
Ist the client currently connected?
no setterinherited
isLogEnabled bool
true when the log is enabled
getter/setter pairinherited
isLoggedIn bool
true after the user has authenticated
getter/setter pairinherited
isSocketClosingExpected bool
true when it is expected that the socket is closed
getter/setter pairinherited
logName String?
The name shown in log entries to differentiate this server
getter/setter pairinherited
onBadCertificate → (bool Function(X509Certificate)?)
Handles unverifiable certificates.
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
serverInfo ImapServerInfo
Information about the IMAP service
no setter


appendMessage(MimeMessage message, {List<String>? flags, Mailbox? targetMailbox, String? targetMailboxPath, Duration? responseTimeout}) Future<GenericImapResult>
Appends the specified MIME message.
appendMessageText(String messageText, {List<String>? flags, Mailbox? targetMailbox, String? targetMailboxPath, Duration? responseTimeout}) Future<GenericImapResult>
Appends the specified MIME messageText.
applyStashedTasks() Future<void>
Applies the stashed tasks
authenticateWithOAuth2(String user, String accessToken) Future<List<Capability>>
Logs in the user with the given user and accessToken via Oauth 2.0.
authenticateWithOAuthBearer(String user, String accessToken, {String? host, int? port}) Future<List<Capability>>
Logs in the user with the given user and accessToken via Oauth Bearer mechanism.
capability() Future<List<Capability>>
Checks the capabilities of this server directly
check() Future<Mailbox?>
Trigger a check operation for the server's housekeeping.
closeConnection() Future
Closes the connection. Deprecated: use disconnect() instead.
closeMailbox() Future<Mailbox?>
Closes the currently selected mailbox and triggers an implicit EXPUNGE.
connect(Socket socket, {ConnectionInfo? connectionInformation}) → void
Starts to listen on the given socket.
connectToServer(String host, int port, {bool isSecure = true, Duration timeout = const Duration(seconds: 20)}) Future<ConnectionInfo>
Connects to the specified server.
copy(MessageSequence sequence, {Mailbox? targetMailbox, String? targetMailboxPath}) Future<GenericImapResult>
Copies the specified message(s) from the specified sequence from the currently selected mailbox to the target mailbox.
createClientError(String message) Object
Subclasses need to be able to create client specific exceptions
createMailbox(String path) Future<Mailbox>
Creates a new mailbox with the specified path
deleteMailbox(Mailbox box) Future<Mailbox>
Removes the specified mailbox
disconnect() Future<void>
Disconnects from the service
enable(List<String> capabilities) Future<List<Capability>>
Enables the specified capabilities.
examineMailbox(Mailbox box, {bool enableCondStore = false, QResyncParameters? qresync}) Future<Mailbox>
Examines the box without selecting it.
expunge() Future<Mailbox?>
Expunges (deletes) any messages that are marked as deleted.
fetchMessage(int messageSequenceId, String fetchContentDefinition, {Duration? responseTimeout}) Future<FetchImapResult>
Fetches a single message by the given definition.
fetchMessages(MessageSequence sequence, String? fetchContentDefinition, {int? changedSinceModSequence, Duration? responseTimeout}) Future<FetchImapResult>
Fetches messages by the given definition.
fetchMessagesByCriteria(String fetchIdsAndCriteria, {Duration? responseTimeout}) Future<FetchImapResult>
Fetches messages by the specified criteria.
fetchRecentMessages({int messageCount = 30, String criteria = '(FLAGS BODY[])', Duration? responseTimeout}) Future<FetchImapResult>
Fetches the specified number of recent messages by the specified criteria.
getMetaData(String entry, {String? mailboxName, int? maxSize, MetaDataDepth? depth}) Future<List<MetaDataEntry>>
Retrieves the specified meta data entry.
getQuota({String quotaRoot = '""'}) Future<QuotaResult>
Retrieves the quota for the user/quotaRoot.
getQuotaRoot({String mailboxName = '""'}) Future<QuotaRootResult>
Retrieves the quota root for the specified mailboxName which defaults to the root "".
id({Id? clientId}) Future<Id?>
Reports the optional clientId to the server and returns the server ID.
idleDone() Future
Stops the IDLE mode.
idleStart() Future<void>
Switches to IDLE mode.
listMailboxes({String path = '""', bool recursive = false, List<String>? mailboxPatterns, List<String>? selectionOptions, List<ReturnOption>? returnOptions}) Future<List<Mailbox>>
Lists all mailboxes in the given path.
listMailboxesByReferenceAndName(String referenceName, String mailboxName, [List<String>? mailboxPatterns, List<String>? selectionOptions, List<ReturnOption>? returnOptions]) Future<List<Mailbox>>
Lists all mailboxes in the path referenceName that match the given mailboxName that can contain wildcards.
listSubscribedMailboxes({String path = '""', bool recursive = false}) Future<List<Mailbox>>
Lists all subscribed mailboxes
log(dynamic logObject, {bool isClient = true, String? initial}) → void
Logs the data
logApp(dynamic logObject) → void
Logs the data from the app-side
logClient(dynamic logObject) → void
Logs the data from the client-side
login(String name, String password) Future<List<Capability>>
Logs in the user with the given name and password.
logout() Future
Logs the current user out.
logServer(dynamic logObject) → void
Logs the data from the server-side
markAnswered(MessageSequence sequence, {bool? silent, int? unchangedSinceModSequence}) Future<StoreImapResult>
Mark the messages from the specified sequence as answered.
markDeleted(MessageSequence sequence, {bool? silent, int? unchangedSinceModSequence}) Future<StoreImapResult>
Mark the messages from the specified sequence as deleted.
markFlagged(MessageSequence sequence, {bool? silent, int? unchangedSinceModSequence}) Future<StoreImapResult>
Mark the messages from the specified sequence as flagged.
markForwarded(MessageSequence sequence, {bool? silent, int? unchangedSinceModSequence}) Future<StoreImapResult>
Mark the messages from the specified sequence as forwarded.
markSeen(MessageSequence sequence, {bool? silent, int? unchangedSinceModSequence}) Future<StoreImapResult>
Mark the messages from the specified sequence as seen/read.
markUnanswered(MessageSequence sequence, {bool? silent, int? unchangedSinceModSequence}) Future<StoreImapResult>
Mark the messages from the specified sequence as not answered.
markUndeleted(MessageSequence sequence, {bool? silent, int? unchangedSinceModSequence}) Future<StoreImapResult>
Mark the messages from the specified sequence as not deleted.
markUnflagged(MessageSequence sequence, {bool? silent, int? unchangedSinceModSequence}) Future<StoreImapResult>
Mark the messages from the specified sequence as unflagged.
markUnforwarded(MessageSequence sequence, {bool? silent, int? unchangedSinceModSequence}) Future<StoreImapResult>
Mark the messages from the specified sequence as not forwarded.
markUnseen(MessageSequence sequence, {bool? silent, int? unchangedSinceModSequence}) Future<StoreImapResult>
Mark the messages from the specified sequence as unseen/unread.
move(MessageSequence sequence, {Mailbox? targetMailbox, String? targetMailboxPath}) Future<GenericImapResult>
Moves the specified message(s) from the specified sequence from the currently selected mailbox to the target mailbox.
nextId() String
Retrieves the next session-unique command ID
noop() Future<Mailbox?>
Trigger a noop (no operation).
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
onCommandResult(ImapResponse imapResponse) → void
Processes the command result response from the server.
onConnectionDone() → void
Informs about a closed connection
onConnectionError(dynamic error) → void
Is called when the connection encountered an error
onConnectionEstablished(ConnectionInfo connectionInfo, String serverGreeting) FutureOr<void>
Is called after the initial connection has been established
onContinuationResponse(ImapResponse imapResponse) Future
Handles an continuation response from the server
onDataReceived(Uint8List data) → void
Is called when data is received
onServerResponse(ImapResponse imapResponse) → void
Handles the specified imapResponse from the server.
onUntaggedResponse(ImapResponse imapResponse) → void
Handles an untagged response from the server
queueTask(CommandTask task) → void
Queues the given task.
renameMailbox(Mailbox box, String newName) Future<Mailbox>
Renames the specified mailbox
searchMessages({String searchCriteria = 'UNSEEN', List<ReturnOption>? returnOptions, Duration? responseTimeout}) Future<SearchImapResult>
Searches messages by the given searchCriteria like 'UNSEEN' or 'RECENT' or 'FROM [email protected]'.
searchMessagesWithQuery(SearchQueryBuilder query, {Duration? responseTimeout}) Future<SearchImapResult>
Searches messages with the given query.
selectInbox({bool enableCondStore = false, QResyncParameters? qresync}) Future<Mailbox>
Selects the inbox.
selectMailbox(Mailbox box, {bool enableCondStore = false, QResyncParameters? qresync}) Future<Mailbox>
Selects the specified mailbox.
selectMailboxByPath(String path, {bool enableCondStore = false, QResyncParameters? qresync}) Future<Mailbox>
Selects the specified mailbox.
sendCommand<T>(Command command, ResponseParser<T> parser, {bool returnCompleter = true}) Future<T>
Queues the specified command for sending to the server.
sendCommandTask<T>(CommandTask<T> task, {bool returnCompleter = true}) Future<T>
Queues the given task for sending to the server.
setMetaData(MetaDataEntry entry) Future<Mailbox?>
Saves the specified meta data entry.
setMetaDataEntries(List<MetaDataEntry> entries) Future<Mailbox?>
Saves the given meta data entries.
setQuota({required Map<String, int> resourceLimits, String quotaRoot = '""'}) Future<QuotaResult>
Sets the quota resourceLimits for the the user / quotaRoot.
sortMessages(String sortCriteria, [String searchCriteria = 'ALL', String charset = 'UTF-8', List<ReturnOption>? returnOptions]) Future<SortImapResult>
Sorts messages by the given criteria.
startTls() Future<GenericImapResult>
Upgrades the current insure connection to SSL.
stashQueuedTasks() → void
Remembers the queued tasks until applyStashedTasks is called.
statusMailbox(Mailbox box, List<StatusFlags> flags) Future<Mailbox>
Checks the status of the currently not selected box.
store(MessageSequence sequence, List<String> flags, {StoreAction? action, bool? silent, int? unchangedSinceModSequence}) Future<StoreImapResult>
Updates the flags of the message(s) from the specified sequence in the currently selected mailbox.
subscribeMailbox(Mailbox box) Future<Mailbox>
Subscribes the specified mailbox.
threadMessages({required DateTime since, String method = 'ORDEREDSUBJECT', String charset = 'UTF-8', bool threadUids = false, Duration? responseTimeout}) Future<SequenceNode>
Requests the IDs of message threads starting on since using the given method (defaults to ORDEREDSUBJECT) and charset (defaults to UTF-8).
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
uidCopy(MessageSequence sequence, {Mailbox? targetMailbox, String? targetMailboxPath}) Future<GenericImapResult>
Copies the specified message(s) from the specified sequence from the currently selected mailbox to the target mailbox.
uidExpunge(MessageSequence sequence) Future<Mailbox?>
Expunges (deletes) any messages that are in the specified sequence AND marked as deleted.
uidFetchMessage(int messageUid, String fetchContentDefinition, {Duration? responseTimeout}) Future<FetchImapResult>
Fetches a single messages identified by the messageUid
uidFetchMessages(MessageSequence sequence, String? fetchContentDefinition, {int? changedSinceModSequence, Duration? responseTimeout}) Future<FetchImapResult>
Fetches messages by the given definition.
uidFetchMessagesByCriteria(String fetchIdsAndCriteria, {Duration? responseTimeout}) Future<FetchImapResult>
Fetches messages by the specified criteria.
uidMarkAnswered(MessageSequence sequence, {bool? silent, int? unchangedSinceModSequence}) Future<StoreImapResult>
Mark the messages from the specified sequence as answered.
uidMarkDeleted(MessageSequence sequence, {bool? silent, int? unchangedSinceModSequence}) Future<StoreImapResult>
Mark the messages from the specified sequence as deleted.
uidMarkFlagged(MessageSequence sequence, {bool? silent, int? unchangedSinceModSequence}) Future<StoreImapResult>
Mark the messages from the specified sequence as flagged.
uidMarkForwarded(MessageSequence sequence, {bool? silent, int? unchangedSinceModSequence}) Future<StoreImapResult>
Mark the messages from the specified sequence as forwarded.
uidMarkSeen(MessageSequence sequence, {bool? silent, int? unchangedSinceModSequence}) Future<StoreImapResult>
Mark the messages from the specified sequence as seen/read.
uidMarkUnanswered(MessageSequence sequence, {bool? silent, int? unchangedSinceModSequence}) Future<StoreImapResult>
Mark the messages from the specified sequence as not answered.
uidMarkUndeleted(MessageSequence sequence, {bool? silent, int? unchangedSinceModSequence}) Future<StoreImapResult>
Mark the messages from the specified sequence as not deleted.
uidMarkUnflagged(MessageSequence sequence, {bool? silent, int? unchangedSinceModSequence}) Future<StoreImapResult>
Mark the messages from the specified sequence as unflagged.
uidMarkUnforwarded(MessageSequence sequence, {bool? silent, int? unchangedSinceModSequence}) Future<StoreImapResult>
Mark the messages from the specified sequence as not forwarded.
uidMarkUnseen(MessageSequence sequence, {bool? silent, int? unchangedSinceModSequence}) Future<StoreImapResult>
Mark the messages from the specified sequence as unseen/unread.
uidMove(MessageSequence sequence, {Mailbox? targetMailbox, String? targetMailboxPath}) Future<GenericImapResult>
Copies the specified message(s) from the specified sequence from the currently selected mailbox to the target mailbox.
uidSearchMessages({String searchCriteria = 'UNSEEN', List<ReturnOption>? returnOptions, Duration? responseTimeout}) Future<SearchImapResult>
Searches messages by the given searchCriteria like 'UNSEEN' or 'RECENT' or 'FROM [email protected]'.
uidSearchMessagesWithQuery(SearchQueryBuilder query, {List<ReturnOption>? returnOptions, Duration? responseTimeout}) Future<SearchImapResult>
Searches messages with the given query.
uidSortMessages(String sortCriteria, [String searchCriteria = 'ALL', String charset = 'UTF-8', List<ReturnOption>? returnOptions]) Future<SortImapResult>
Sorts messages by the given criteria
uidStore(MessageSequence sequence, List<String> flags, {StoreAction? action, bool? silent, int? unchangedSinceModSequence}) Future<StoreImapResult>
Updates the flags of the message(s) from the specified sequence in the currently selected mailbox.
uidThreadMessages({required DateTime since, String method = 'ORDEREDSUBJECT', String charset = 'UTF-8', Duration? responseTimeout}) Future<SequenceNode>
Requests the UIDs of message threads starting on since using the given method (defaults to ORDEREDSUBJECT) and charset (defaults to UTF-8).
unselectMailbox() Future<void>
Closes the currently selected mailbox without triggering the expunge events.
unsubscribeMailbox(Mailbox box) Future<Mailbox>
Unsubscribes the specified mailbox.
upgradeToSslSocket() Future<void>
Upgrades the current connection to a secure socket
writeData(List<int> data, [dynamic logObject]) Future
Writes the specified data.
writeText(String text, [dynamic logObject, Duration? timeout]) Future
Writes the specified text.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.