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DjangoFlow Local Notification Package

📬 A streamlined and flexible local notification solution for Flutter mobile apps, seamlessly integrated with DjangoFlow framework to enable dynamic notification actions.

FeaturesInstallationUsageCustomizationTroubleshootingExamplesContributions and IssuesLicense

✨ Features

  • Initialize the local notification plugin with ease using NotificationInitializer.
  • Seamlessly integrated with DjangoFlow framework and djangoflow_openapi package.
  • Define and manage push action categories for interactive notifications.
  • Handle notification data payload and actions conveniently.
  • Download and attach images to notifications using ImageDownloader.
  • Modular structure for clean and organized code.

🚀 Installation

Add the following dependency to your pubspec.yaml file:

  djangoflow_local_notification: ^latest_version

Note: This package is designed to work exclusively on Android and iOS platforms. It uses flutter_local_notifications under the hood. You can follow their documentation on platform specific setup and troubleshooting.

🔧 Usage

1. Initialize Notifications

import 'package:djangoflow_local_notification/djangoflow_local_notification.dart';

// Initialize notifications
final notificationInitializer = NotificationInitializer();
await notificationInitializer.initialize(
  pushActions: pushActionCategories, // List<PushActionCategory>
  defaultAndroidNotificationIcon: 'app_icon',

2. Load Push Action Categories

import 'package:djangoflow_local_notification/djangoflow_local_notification.dart';

final actionCategoryCubit = ActionCategoryCubit.instance;

// Load push action categories
await actionCategoryCubit.load();

3. Display Local Notifications

import 'package:djangoflow_local_notification/djangoflow_local_notification.dart';

final localNotificationCubit = LocalNotificationCubit.instance;

await localNotificationCubit.displayNotification(
  notificationDetailsBuilder: () async {
    // Build NotificationDetails here
    return NotificationDetails(/*...*/);
  id: 1,
  title: 'Notification Title',
  body: 'Notification Body',
  payload: 'payload_data',

🎨 Customization

  • Customize notification appearance using NotificationDetails.
  • Use custom action categories and actions for interactive notifications.
  • Attach images to notifications using ImageDownloader.

🛠 Troubleshooting

Android - Notification Icon Not Found in Release Mode

If you're facing issues with notification icons not being found in release mode on Android, you can try the following solution:

  1. Create a file named keep.xml in the app/src/main/res/raw/ directory of your Android project.

  2. Add(create the file if does not exist) the following content to the keep.xml file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<resources xmlns:tools=""
    tools:keep="@drawable/*,@raw/slow_spring_board" />

🚀 Examples

Check out the example provided in the example directory for a practical implementation of the package.

Android Notification

Android Notification

iOS Notification

iOS Notification

👏 Contributions and Issues

Contributions, bug reports, and feature requests are welcome! Feel free to submit a pull request or open an issue on the GitHub repository.

📄 License

This package is distributed under the MIT License.