calculateEvent method

DateTime? calculateEvent(
  1. DateTime date,
  2. Zenith zenith,
  3. EventType type

Calculate the time of an specific sun event

Returns a UTC DateTime.

Returns null if the event does not happen.


DateTime? calculateEvent(DateTime date, Zenith zenith, EventType type) {
  final utcDate = date.toUtc();
  final lastMidnight = DateTime.utc(utcDate.year, utcDate.month,;

  final eventMils = _calculate(utcDate, zenith, type);
  if (eventMils == null) {
    return null;
  final mils = (lastMidnight.millisecondsSinceEpoch + eventMils).floor();
  return DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(mils, isUtc: true);