unaryOperation<R> method

Tensor<R> unaryOperation<R>(
  1. Map1<T, R> function, {
  2. DataType<R>? type,
  3. Tensor<R>? target,

Performs an unary element-wise operation function on this tensor and stores the result into target or (if missing) into a newly created one.


Tensor<R> unaryOperation<R>(Map1<T, R> function,
    {DataType<R>? type, Tensor<R>? target}) {
  if (target == null) {
    // Create a new tensor.
    return Tensor<R>.fromIterable(values.map(function),
        shape: layout.shape, type: type ?? DataType.fromType<R>());
  } else if (target == this) {
    // Perform the operation in-place.
    final targetData = target.data;
    for (final i in layout.indices) {
      targetData[i] = function(data[i]);
    return target;
  } else {
    // Perform the operation into another one.
    final targetLayout = target.layout;
    LayoutError.checkEqualShape(layout, targetLayout, 'target');
    final sourceData = data, sourceIterator = layout.indices.iterator;
    final targetData = target.data,
        targetIterator = targetLayout.indices.iterator;
    while (targetIterator.moveNext() && sourceIterator.moveNext()) {
      targetData[targetIterator.current] =
    return target;