createDartdocOptions function

List<DartdocOption<Object?>> createDartdocOptions(
  1. PackageMetaProvider packageMetaProvider

Instantiate dartdoc's configuration file and options parser with the given command line arguments.


List<DartdocOption> createDartdocOptions(
  PackageMetaProvider packageMetaProvider,
) {
  var resourceProvider = packageMetaProvider.resourceProvider;
  return [
    DartdocOptionArgOnly<bool>('allowTools', false, resourceProvider,
        help: 'Execute user-defined tools to fill in @tool directives.',
        negatable: true),
        'ambiguousReexportScorerMinConfidence', 0.1, resourceProvider,
        help: 'Minimum scorer confidence to suppress warning on ambiguous '
        'autoIncludeDependencies', false, resourceProvider,
        help: 'Include all the used libraries into the docs, even the ones not '
            'in the current package or "include-external"',
        negatable: true),
        'categoryOrder', const [], resourceProvider,
        splitCommas: true,
        help: 'A list of categories (not package names) to place first when '
            "grouping symbols on dartdoc's sidebar. Unmentioned categories are "
            'sorted after these.'),
        'categories', CategoryConfiguration.empty, resourceProvider,
        convertYamlToType: CategoryConfiguration.fromYamlMap,
        help: 'A list of all categories, their display names, and markdown '
            'documentation in the order they are to be displayed.'),
    DartdocOptionArgFile<List<String>>('exclude', [], resourceProvider,
        help: 'Names of libraries to exclude from documentation.',
        splitCommas: true),
    DartdocOptionArgOnly<List<String>>('excludePackages', [], resourceProvider,
        help: 'Names of packages to exclude from documentation.',
        splitCommas: true),
        (DartdocSyntheticOption<String?> option, Folder dir) {
      var flutterRootEnv =
      return flutterRootEnv == null
          ? null
          : resourceProvider.pathContext.resolveTildePath(flutterRootEnv);
    }, resourceProvider,
        optionIs: OptionKind.dir,
        help: 'Root of the Flutter SDK, specified from the environment.',
        mustExist: true),
    DartdocOptionArgFile<List<String>>('include', [], resourceProvider,
        help: 'Names of libraries to document.', splitCommas: true),
    DartdocOptionArgFile<List<String>>('includeExternal', [], resourceProvider,
        optionIs: OptionKind.file,
        help: 'Additional (external) dart files to include; use '
            '"<directory name>/<file name>", as in "lib/material.dart".',
        mustExist: true,
        splitCommas: true),
    DartdocOptionArgOnly<bool>('includeSource', true, resourceProvider,
        help: 'Show source code blocks.', negatable: true),
    DartdocOptionArgOnly<bool>('injectHtml', false, resourceProvider,
        help: 'Allow the use of the `{@inject-html}` directive to inject raw '
            'HTML into dartdoc output.'),
    DartdocOptionArgOnly<bool>('sanitizeHtml', false, resourceProvider,
        hide: true,
        help: 'Sanitize HTML generated from markdown text, `{@tool}` and '
            '`{@inject-html}` directives.'),
        'input', resourceProvider.pathContext.current, resourceProvider,
        optionIs: OptionKind.dir,
        help: 'Path to source directory.',
        mustExist: true),
        (DartdocSyntheticOption<String> option, Folder dir) =>
            option.parent['sdkDocs'].valueAt(dir) == true
                ? option.parent['sdkDir'].valueAt(dir)
                : option.parent['input'].valueAt(dir),
        help: 'Path to source directory (with override if --sdk-docs).',
        optionIs: OptionKind.dir,
        mustExist: true),
    DartdocOptionSet('linkTo', resourceProvider)
        DartdocOptionArgOnly<Map<String, String>>(
              '': '',
              '': '',
            help: 'Specify URLs for hosted pub packages'),
        DartdocOptionArgOnly<Map<String, String>>(
            'Dart': '',
            'Flutter': '',
          help: 'Specify URLs for SDKs.',
            (DartdocSyntheticOption<String> option, Folder dir) {
          PackageMeta packageMeta =
          // Prefer SDK check first, then pub cache check.
          var inSdk = packageMeta
          if (inSdk != null) {
            Map<String, String> sdks = option.parent['sdks'].valueAt(dir);
            var inSdkVal = sdks[inSdk];
            if (inSdkVal != null) return inSdkVal;
          var hostedAt = packageMeta.hostedAt;
          if (hostedAt != null) {
            Map<String, String> hostMap = option.parent['hosted'].valueAt(dir);
            var hostedAtVal = hostMap[hostedAt];
            if (hostedAtVal != null) return hostedAtVal;
          return '';
        }, resourceProvider, help: 'Url to use for this particular package.'),
        DartdocOptionArgOnly<bool>('remote', true, resourceProvider,
            help: 'Allow links to be generated for packages outside this one.',
            negatable: true),
    // Deprecated. Use of this option is reported.
    // TODO(srawlins): Remove.
    DartdocOptionFileOnly<List<String>>('nodoc', [], resourceProvider,
        optionIs: OptionKind.glob,
        help: '(deprecated) Dart symbols declared in these files will be '
            'treated as though they have the @nodoc directive added to their '
            'documentation comment.'),
        resourceProvider.pathContext.join('doc', 'api'), resourceProvider,
        optionIs: OptionKind.dir, help: 'Path to the output directory.'),
      (DartdocSyntheticOption<PackageMeta> option, Folder dir) {
        var packageMeta = packageMetaProvider.fromDir(dir);
        if (packageMeta == null) {
          throw DartdocOptionError(
              'Unable to determine package for directory: ${dir.path}');
        return packageMeta;
    DartdocOptionArgOnly<List<String>>('packageOrder', [], resourceProvider,
        splitCommas: true,
            'A list of package names to place first when grouping libraries in '
            'packages. Unmentioned packages are placed after these.'),
    // Deprecated. Use of this option is reported.
    // TODO(kallentu): Remove this option.
    DartdocOptionArgOnly<String?>('resourcesDir', null, resourceProvider,
        help: "(deprecated) An absolute path to dartdoc's resources directory.",
        hide: true),
    DartdocOptionArgOnly<bool>('sdkDocs', false, resourceProvider,
        help: 'Generate ONLY the docs for the Dart SDK.'),
        (DartdocSyntheticOption<String?> option, Folder dir) {
      if (!(option.parent['sdkDocs'].valueAt(dir) as bool) &&
          (option.root['topLevelPackageMeta'].valueAt(dir) as PackageMeta)
              .requiresFlutter) {
        String? flutterRoot = option.root['flutterRoot'].valueAt(dir);
        return flutterRoot == null
            ? null
            : resourceProvider.pathContext
                .join(flutterRoot, 'bin', 'cache', 'dart-sdk');
      return packageMetaProvider.defaultSdkDir.path;
    }, packageMetaProvider.resourceProvider,
        help: 'Path to the SDK directory.',
        optionIs: OptionKind.dir,
        mustExist: true),
        'showUndocumentedCategories', false, resourceProvider,
        help: "Label categories that aren't documented", negatable: true),
        (DartdocSyntheticOption<PackageMeta> option, Folder dir) {
      var packageMeta = packageMetaProvider.fromDir(
      if (packageMeta == null) {
        throw DartdocOptionError(
            'Unable to generate documentation: no package found');
      if (!packageMeta.isValid) {
        final firstError = packageMeta.getInvalidReasons().first;
        throw DartdocOptionError('Package is invalid: $firstError');
      return packageMeta;
    }, resourceProvider, help: 'PackageMeta object for the default package.'),
    DartdocOptionArgOnly<bool>('useCategories', true, resourceProvider,
        help: 'Display categories in the sidebar of packages'),
    DartdocOptionArgOnly<bool>('validateLinks', true, resourceProvider,
        help: 'Runs the built-in link checker to display Dart context aware '
            'warnings for broken links (slow)',
        negatable: true),
    DartdocOptionArgOnly<bool>('verboseWarnings', true, resourceProvider,
        help: 'Display extra debugging information and help with warnings.',
        negatable: true),
    DartdocOptionFileOnly<bool>('excludeFooterVersion', false, resourceProvider,
        help: 'Excludes the package version number in the footer text'),
        'tools', ToolConfiguration.empty(resourceProvider), resourceProvider,
        convertYamlToType: ToolConfiguration.fromYamlMap,
        help: 'A map of tool names to executable paths. Each executable must '
            'exist. Executables for different platforms are specified by '
            'giving the platform name as a key, and a list of strings as the '
    DartdocOptionArgOnly<bool>('useBaseHref', false, resourceProvider,
            'Use <base href> in generated files (legacy behavior). This option '
            'is temporary and support will be removed in the future. Use only '
            'if the default behavior breaks links between your documentation '
            'pages, and please file an issue on GitHub.',
        negatable: false,
        hide: true),
    DartdocOptionArgOnly<bool>('showStats', false, resourceProvider,
        help: 'Show statistics useful for debugging.', hide: true),
    DartdocOptionArgOnly<String>('maxFileCount', '0', resourceProvider,
            'The maximum number of files dartdoc is allowed to create (0 for no limit).',
        hide: true),
    DartdocOptionArgOnly<String>('maxTotalSize', '0', resourceProvider,
            'The maximum total size (in bytes) dartdoc is allowed to write (0 for no limit).',
        hide: true),
    // TODO(jcollins-g): refactor so there is a single static "create" for
    // each DartdocOptionContext that traverses the inheritance tree itself.