initDeviceInfo method

void initDeviceInfo()


void initDeviceInfo() async {
  if (CastDeviceType.ChromeCast == deviceType) {
    if (null != attr && null != attr!['fn']) {
      _friendlyName = utf8.decode(attr!['fn']!);
      if (null != attr!['md']) {
        _modelName = utf8.decode(attr!['md']!);
    } else {
      // Attributes are not guaranteed to be set, if not set fetch them via the eureka_info url
      // Possible parameters: version,audio,name,build_info,detail,device_info,net,wifi,setup,settings,opt_in,opencast,multizone,proxy,night_mode_params,user_eq,room_equalizer
      try {
        bool trustSelfSigned = true;
        HttpClient httpClient = HttpClient()
          ..badCertificateCallback =
              ((X509Certificate cert, String host, int port) =>
        IOClient ioClient = new IOClient(httpClient);
        final uri = Uri.parse(
        http.Response response = await ioClient.get(uri);
        Map deviceInfo = jsonDecode(response.body);

        if (deviceInfo['name'] != null && deviceInfo['name'] != 'Unknown') {
          _friendlyName = deviceInfo['name'];
        } else if (deviceInfo['ssid'] != null) {
          _friendlyName = deviceInfo['ssid'];

        if (deviceInfo['model_name'] != null) {
          _modelName = deviceInfo['model_name'];
      } catch (exception) {