FlutterCipherMixin mixin

Implemented types
Mixin Applications


channelCipherName String
no setter
channelPolicy CryptographyChannelPolicy
no setter
fallback → Cipher?
Fallback implementation.
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
isSupportedPlatform bool
Whether this algorithm is expected to be able to use platform APIs.
no setterinherited
macAlgorithm → MacAlgorithm
Message authentication code (MacAlgorithm) used by the cipher.
no setterinherited
nonceLength int
Number of bytes in the nonce ("Initialization Vector", "IV", "salt").
no setterinherited
random Random?
Random number generator used by newSecretKey for generating secret keys.
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
secretKeyLength int
Number of bytes in the SecretKey.
no setterinherited


checkParameters({int? length, required SecretKey secretKey, required int nonceLength, int aadLength = 0, int keyStreamIndex = 0}) → void
Checks parameters for encrypt / decrypt and throws ArgumentError if any is invalid.
cipherTextLength(int clearTextLength) int
Calculates the length of the ciphertext given a clear text length.
decrypt(SecretBox secretBox, {required SecretKey secretKey, List<int> aad = const <int>[], int keyStreamIndex = 0, Uint8List? possibleBuffer}) Future<List<int>>
Decrypts a ciphertext.
decryptStream(Stream<List<int>> stream, {required SecretKey secretKey, required List<int> nonce, required FutureOr<Mac> mac, List<int> aad = const [], bool allowUseSameBytes = false}) Stream<List<int>>
Decrypts a Stream of bytes.
decryptString(SecretBox secretBox, {required SecretKey secretKey}) Future<String>
Calls decrypt and then converts the bytes to a string by using utf8 codec.
encrypt(List<int> clearText, {required SecretKey secretKey, List<int>? nonce, List<int> aad = const <int>[], int keyStreamIndex = 0, Uint8List? possibleBuffer}) Future<SecretBox>
Encrypts a cleartext.
encryptStream(Stream<List<int>> stream, {required SecretKey secretKey, required List<int> nonce, required void onMac(Mac mac), List<int> aad = const [], bool allowUseSameBytes = false}) Stream<List<int>>
Encrypts a Stream of bytes.
encryptString(String clearText, {required SecretKey secretKey}) Future<SecretBox>
Converts a string to bytes using utf8 codec and then calls encrypt.
newCipherWand() Future<CipherWand>
Constructs a CipherWand that uses this implementation and a new random secret key (that can't be extracted).
newCipherWandFromSecretKey(SecretKey secretKey, {bool allowEncrypt = true, bool allowDecrypt = true}) Future<CipherWand>
Constructs a CipherWand that uses this implementation and the given SecretKey.
newNonce() List<int>
Generates a new nonce.
newSecretKey() Future<SecretKey>
Generates a new SecretKey.
newSecretKeyFromBytes(List<int> bytes) Future<SecretKey>
Constructs a new SecretKey from the bytes.
newState() → CipherState
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
toSync() → DartCipher
Returns a synchronous, pure Dart implementation of this cipher.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.