An Android Flutter plugin that provides access to the Cronet HTTP client.

Cronet is available as part of Google Play Services.

This package depends on Google Play Services for its Cronet implementation. package:cronet_http_embedded is functionally identical to this package but embeds Cronet directly instead of relying on Google Play Services.

Status: Experimental

NOTE: This package is currently experimental and published under the pub publisher in order to solicit feedback.

For packages in the publisher we generally plan to either graduate the package into a supported publisher (, after a period of feedback and iteration, or discontinue the package. These packages have a much higher expected rate of API and breaking changes.

Your feedback is valuable and will help us evolve this package. For general feedback and suggestions please comment in the feedback issue. For bugs, please file an issue in the bug tracker.


An Android Flutter plugin that provides access to the Cronet HTTP client.