withTempDir<T> function

T withTempDir<T>(
  1. T callback(
    1. String dir
    ), {
  2. String? prefix,
  3. String? suffix,
  4. String? parent,

Creates a unique temporary directory, passes it to callback and deletes it and its contents after callback finishes.

The callback may return a Future, in which case the path isn't deleted until that Future completes. Whether or not callback returns a Future, this creates and deletes the temporary directory synchronously; use withTempDirAsync to delete it asynchronously instead.

If prefix is passed, it's addded to the beginning of the temporary directory's basename. If suffix is passed, it's added to the end. If parent is passed, the temporary directory is created within that path; otherwise, it's created within Directory.systemTemp.


T withTempDir<T>(T callback(String dir),
        {String? prefix, String? suffix, String? parent}) =>
    withTempPath((path) {
      return callback(path);
    }, prefix: prefix, suffix: suffix, parent: parent);