checkedYamlDecode<T> function

T checkedYamlDecode<T>(
  1. String yamlContent,
  2. T constructor(
    1. Map?
    ), {
  3. Uri? sourceUrl,
  4. bool allowNull = false,

Decodes yamlContent as YAML and calls constructor with the resulting Map.

If there are errors thrown while decoding yamlContent, if it is not a Map or if CheckedFromJsonException is thrown when calling constructor, a ParsedYamlException will be thrown.

If sourceUrl is passed, it's used as the URL from which the YAML originated for error reporting. It can be a String, a Uri, or null.

If allowNull is true, a null value from yamlContent will be allowed and passed to constructor. constructor, therefore, will need to handle null values.


T checkedYamlDecode<T>(
  String yamlContent,
  T Function(Map?) constructor, {
  Uri? sourceUrl,
  bool allowNull = false,
}) {
  YamlNode yaml;

  try {
    yaml = loadYamlNode(yamlContent, sourceUrl: sourceUrl);
  } on YamlException catch (e) {
    throw ParsedYamlException.fromYamlException(e);

  Map? map;
  if (yaml is YamlMap) {
    map = yaml;
  } else if (allowNull && yaml is YamlScalar && yaml.value == null) {
    // TODO: test this case!
    map = null;
  } else {
    throw ParsedYamlException('Not a map', yaml);

  try {
    return constructor(map);
  } on CheckedFromJsonException catch (e) {
    throw toParsedYamlException(e);