withBase method

void withBase(
  1. _SetFactory<E> base

Uses base as the collection type for all sets created by this builder.

// Iterates over elements in ascending order.
new SetBuilder<int>()..withBase(() => new SplayTreeSet<int>());

// Uses custom equality.
new SetBuilder<int>()..withBase(() => new LinkedHashSet<int>(
    equals: (int a, int b) => a % 255 == b % 255,
    hashCode: (int n) => (n % 255).hashCode));

The set returned by base must be empty, mutable, and each call must instantiate and return a new object. The methods difference, intersection and union of the returned set must create sets of the same type.

Use withDefaultBase to reset base to the default value.


void withBase(_SetFactory<E> base) {
  ArgumentError.checkNotNull(base, 'base');
  _setFactory = base;