realAssigneeType property

ProjectComponentRealAssigneeType? realAssigneeType

The type of the assignee that is assigned to issues created with this component, when an assignee cannot be set from the assigneeType. For example, assigneeType is set to COMPONENT_LEAD but no component lead is set. This property is set to one of the following values:

  • PROJECT_LEAD when assigneeType is PROJECT_LEAD and the project lead has permission to be assigned issues in the project that the component is in.
  • COMPONENT_LEAD when assigneeType is COMPONENT_LEAD and the component lead has permission to be assigned issues in the project that the component is in.
  • UNASSIGNED when assigneeType is UNASSIGNED and Jira is configured to allow unassigned issues.
  • PROJECT_DEFAULT when none of the preceding cases are true.


final ProjectComponentRealAssigneeType? realAssigneeType;